Review for Test #1
To adequately prepare for this test, you should be able to:
- Give the full names of the following organizations: RSICC, NNDC, IAEA,
- Determine the solid angle associated with objects that have a shadow
corresponding to surfaces on a sphere or a flat disks (e.g. a donut)
- Define and give symbols for fluence, flux, flow, and current.
- Determine the fluence, flux, flow, and current for a defined particle
flow situation (given as a directional distribution).
- Translate a given physical source description among the different
source configurations -- point, line, surface, or volumetric.
- Define: solid angle, Becquerel, Curie, linear interaction coefficient,
mass interaction coefficient, incoherent scatter, coherent scatter,
Thomson scattering, what Klein-Nishina formula is used for.
- Determine a gamma source term for given amounts (activity or mass)
of specific nuclides using Appendix H data (which will be provided).
- Provide the reasons that "mass interaction coefficient"
is a useful concept.
- Create mass interaction coefficient for a material (at a given energy)
if elemental mass interaction coefficients are provided.
- Describe the physical mechanisms of Compton scattering, photoelectric
effect, and pair production.
- Find the maximum energy loss for given gamma rays due to Compton scattering
or pair production.
- Find threshold energies for neutron inelastic scattering for given
level data.
- Find maximum or average energy loss from elastic or inelastic neutron
scattering for a given isotope (levels provided).
- Explain why Rayleigh scattering is generally ignored.
- Explain why we generally shield first for neutrons and then for gamma
From our MCNP studies:
- Create the surfaces and cells for a simple geometry described to you
utilizing spheres, boxes, or cylinders (which may intersect with each
- Describe the materials, geometry, source, and tallies from an MCNP input deck I provide
to you
- Describe the three ways to STOP an MCNP calculation.