Author of over 200
publications in nuclear reactor analysis, design, and safety; radiation
transport methods development and applications; nuclear criticality safety;
nuclear engineering education; and energy policy.
Journal Articles
"Molten Salt Reactors for
Burning Dismantled Weapons Fuel," U. Gat, J.R. Engel, and H.L. Dodds, Nuclear
Technology, Vol. 100, No. 3, pp. 390-394 (December, 1992).
"Criticality Safety
Analysis of a Calciner Exit Chute" , C.F. Haught, B. Basoglu, R.W.
Brewer, D.F. Hollenbach, A.D. Wilkinson, H.L.
Dodds, and R. L. Oxenham, Nuclear Technology,
Vol. 105, No. 1, pp. 3-13 (January, 1994).
"Simulation of Hypothetical
Criticality Accidents Involving Homogeneous Damp Low Enrighed
U02 Powder Systems," B. Basoglu, R.W.
Brewer, C.F. Haught, D.F. Hollenbach,
A.D. Wilkinson, H.L. Dodds, and P.F. Pasqua, Nuclear
Technology, Vol. 105, No.1, pp.14-30, (January, 1994).
"Vectorization Methods
Development for a New Version of the KENO Va. Criticality Safety
Code," D.F. Hollenbach, L.M. Petrie, and
H.L. Dodds, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 3, pp.
147-164 (March, 1994).
"Validation of KENO Va.
with ENDF/B-V Cross Sections for 233U Systems," M.E. Dunn, B. Basoglu, C.L. Bentley, C. Haught,
M.J. Plaster, A.D.Wilkinson, T. Yamamoto, andH.L. Dodds, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 111, No.
2, pp. 183-196, (August, 1995).
"Analyses of Hypothetical
Nuclear Criticality Excursions in 10- and 20-MW Freezer/Sublimer
Vessels," Chris F. Haught, W.C. Jordan, B. Basoglu, R.W. Brewer, A.D.Wilkinson,
and H.L. Dodds, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 111, No. 2, pp. 197-218,
"Analysis of a Hypothetical
Criticality Accident in a Waste Supercompactor,"
M.J. Plaster, B. Basoglu, CL Bentley, ME Dunn,
A.E. Ruggles, A.D.Wilkinson, T. Yamamoto, and
H.L. Dodds, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 111, No. 2, pp. 219-226,
(August, 1995).
"Improved Dose Estimates
for Nuclear Criticality Accidents," Alan D. Wilkinson, B. Basoglu, CL Bentley, ME Dunn, Chris F. Haught, M.J. Plaster, T. Yamamoto, H.L. Dodds, and
Calvin M. Hopper, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 111, No. 2, pp. 227-240,
(August, 1995).
"Improved Neutronics Model of the High Flux Isotope
Reactor," S. Goluoglu and H.L. Dodds, Nuclear Technology, Vol.
112, No. 1, pp. 142-153 (October, 1995).
"Criticality Safety Evaluation
of Shutdown Diffusion Cascade Coolers," L.S. Paschal, C.L.Bentley, ME Dunn, S. Goluoglu, R.E. Pevey, and H.L.
Dodds, Nuclear Technology,Vol.119, No. 3, pp. 295-305 (September,
"Development of a
Continuous Energy Version of KENO V.a," ME
Dunn, CL Bentley, S. Goluoglu, LS Paschal, L.M. Petrie, and H.L. Dodds, Nuclear
Technology, Vol. 119, No. 3. pp. 306-313 (September, 1997).
"A Time-Dependent,
Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport Methodology," S. Goluoglu, and
H.L. Dodds, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 139, pp. 248-261
(November, 2001).
Conference Proceedings, Transactions, Reports, and Presentations
"A Criticality Alarm
Generating Logic Design Using Fault-Tree Methodology and Expert Systems, B.
Basoglu, L.H. Tsoukalas,
and H.L. Dodds, Transactions of the Eighth Power Plant Dynamics, Control
& Testing Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 4901-4909 (May 1992).
"Improvements in the
Vectorization of the KENO Va. Criticality Safety Code," D.F. Hollenbach, H.L. Dodds, and L.M. Petrie, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 65, pp. 241-242 (June 1992).
"Criticality Safety
Analysis and Design Modifications of a Calciner
Exit Chute," C.F. Haught, B. Basoglu, R.W. Brewer, D.F. Hollenbach,
A.D. Wilkinson, H.L. Dodds, and D.D'Aguila, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 65, pp. 243-245 (June 1992).
"Excursion Analysis of a
Hypothetical Array Criticality Accident Involving Units of Aqueous Uranyl Fluoride-Preliminary
Results," R.W. Brewer, B. Basoglu, C.F. Haught, D.F. Hollenbach, A.D.
Wilkinson, H.L. Dodds, and J.C. Ingram, Transactions of the American
Nuclear Society, Vol. 65, pp. 247-248 (June 1992).
"Analysis of a Hypothetical
Criticality Accident Involving Damp, Low-Enriched UO2 Powder," B. Basoglu, R.W. Brewer, C.F. Haught,
A.D. Wilkinson, H.L. Dodds, and P.F. Pasqua, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 65, pp. 248-250 (June 1992).
"Rapid Reactivity Transient
Model for U-A1-Dispersion-Fueled Research Reactors," T. Sofu, H.L. Dodds, and D.H. Cook, Transactions of the
American Nuclear Society, Vol. 65, pp. 248-250 (June 1992).
"A Hybrid
Stochastic-Deterministic Method for Transient, Three-dimensional Neutron
Transport," Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.
66, pp. 226-227 (November 1992).
"Transient Hot-Spot
Analysis of the HIgh Flux Isotope Reactor, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 66, pp. 609-610 (November 1992).
"A Method for Transient,
Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport Calculations," M.W. Waddell, and
H. L. Dodds, Proceedings of an International ANS Topical Meeting on
Mathematics and Computations, Karlsruhe, Germany (April, 1993).
"Transient Analysis of a
Hypothetical Array Criticality Accident," R.W. Brewer, B. Basoglu, C.F. Haught, D.F. Hollenbach, A.D. Wilkinson, H.L. Dodds, and J.C.
Ingram, Proceedings of an ANS Topical Meeting on Nuclear Criticality
Safety (ISBN: 0-89448-183-5), pp. 160-166, Nashville, TN (September,
"Validation of KENO Va. for
Highly-Enriched Uranium Systems with Hydrogen and/or Carbon
Moderation," E.P. Elliott, H.L. Dodds, and R.G. Vornehm,
Proceedings of an ANS Topical Meeting on Nuclear Criticality Safety
(ISBN:0-89448-183-5), pp. 217-225, Nashville, TN
(September, 1993).
"Simulation of Hypothetical
Criticality Accidents", B. Basoglu, C.
Bentley, R. Brewer, M. Dunn, C. Haught, M.
Plaster, W. Waddell, A. Wilkinson, and H. Dodds, Third Nuclear
Simulation Symposium (ISBN 1-56555-058-7), pp. 3-15, Schliersee, Germany (October, 1993).
"Nuclear Criticality Safety
Program at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville," B. Basoglu, C. Bentley, R. Brewer, M. Dunn, C. Haught, M. Plaster, A. Wilkinson, H. Dodds, E. Elliott
and W. Waddell, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.
69, pp.17-18 (November, 1993).
"A Computer Model for the
Transient Analysis of Compact Research Reactors with Plate Type Fuel,"
T. Sofa and H.L. Dodds, Proceedings of the 1994 International Meeting on
Advanced Reactor Safety, Pittsburgh, PA (April, 1994).
"Nuclear Criticality Safety
Research at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville," H.L. Dodds, Nuclear
Criticality Technology Safety Workshop, Williamsburg, VA (May, 1994).
"Nuclear Criticality Safety
Courses at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville," H.L. Dodds, C.M.
Hopper, J.T. Mihalczo, J.T. Thomas and R.M. Westfall, Transactions of
the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 70, pp. 34-35 (June, 1994).
"Validation of KENO Va.
with ENDF/B-V Cross Sections for U233 Systems," M.E. Dunn, B. Basoglu, C.L. Bentley, C. Haught,
M.J. Plaster, A.D. Wilkinson, T. Yamamoto, and H.L. Dodds, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, vol. 70, pp. 181-182 (June, 1994).
"Analysis of Hypothetical
Criticality Excursion Accidents in 10 and 20 MW Freezer/ Sublimers," C.F. Haught,
B. Basoglu, R.W. Brewer, H.L. Dodds, and W.C.
Jordan, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, pp. 187-188
(June, 1994).
"Shutdown Mechanisms for a
Hypothetical Criticality Accident Involving HEU Powder: Preliminary
Results," C. Bentley, B. Basoglu, M. Dunn, M.
Plaster, A. Ruggles, A. Wilkinson, T. Yamamoto and H.L. Dodds, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, pp. 188-189 (June, 1994).
"Analysis of a Hypothetical
Criticality Accident in a Waste Supercompactor,"
M.J. Plaster, B. Basoglu, C.L. Bentley, M.E.
Dunn, A.E. Ruggles, A. Wilkinson, T. Yamamoto, and H.L. Dodds, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, pp. 189-191 (June, 1994).
"Improved Dose Estimates
for Nuclear Criticality Accidents: Preliminary Results," A. Wilkinson,
B. Basoglu, C. Bentley, M. Dunn, M. Plaster, T.
Yamamoto, H.L. Dodds and C. Hopper, Transactions of the American Nuclear
Society, pp. 191-192 (June, 1994).
"Improved Neutronics Calculations of the High-Flux Isotope
Reactor," S. Goluoglu, R.B.Rothrock, and
H.L. Dodds, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, pp.
349-351 (June, 1994).
"Nuclear Criticality Safety
Evaluation of U233 Storage Configurations Using ENDF/B-V Cross
Sections," M.E. Dunn, B. Basoglu, C.L.
Bentley, S. Goluoglu, C. Haught, M.J. Plaster,
A.D. Wilkinson, T. Yamamoto, and H.L. Dodds, Transactions of the
American Nuclear Society, pp. 278-280, (November, 1994).
"Development of a
Parallelization Method for KENO Va.," B. Basoglu,
C. Bentley, M. Dunn, S. Goluoglu, L. Paschal, T. Kamamoto, H. Dodds, and D.
Hollenbach, Transactions of the American
Nuclear Society, Vol. 72, pp. 147-149, (June, 1995).
"Current Research in
Nuclear Criticality Safety at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville,"
B. Basoglu, C. Bentley, M. Dunn, S. Goluoglu, L.
Paschal, T. Yamamoto, and H. Dodds, Proceedings of the 9th Topical
Meeting on Problems of Nuclear Reactor Safety (VOLGA-95), Moscow,
Russia (September, 1995).
"Space-Dependent Kinetics
Analysis of a Hypothetical Array Criticality Accident Involving Units of
Aqueous Uranyl Fluoride," T. Yamamoto, R.W. Brewer, M.W. Waddell, B. Basoglu, C.L. Bentley, M.E. Dunn, S. Goluoglu, A.D.
Wilkinson, and H.L. Dodds, Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, Albuquerque, New Mexico
(September, 1995).
"Evaluation of Several
Parallel Algorithms for KENO Va," B. Basoglu, C. Bentley, M. Dunn, S. Goluoglu, L. Paschal,
and H. Dodds, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 73,
pp. 183-184 (November, 1995).
"Real-World Aspects of the
Nuclear Criticality Safety Program at The University of Tennessee,
Knoxville," C.L. Bently, M.E. Dunn, S.
Goluoglu, L.S. Paschal, R.E. Pevey and H.L. Dodds, Transactions of the
American Nuclear Society, Vol. 74, pp. 32-33 (June, 1996).
"Criticality Safety Study
of Shutdown Diffusion Cascade Coolers," L.S. Paschal, B. Basoglu, C.L. Bentley, M.E. Dunn, S. Goluoglu, R.E.
Pevey and H.L. Dodds, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society,
Vol. 74, pp. 230-231 (June, 1996).
"Criticality Analysis of a
Mop Bucket Containing U02 F2Solution," M.S. Wyatt and H.L.Dodds, Transactions of the American Nuclear
Society, Vol. 74, p. 229 (June, 1996).
"Development of a
Continuous-Energy Version of KENO V.a," M.E.
Dunn, C.L. Bentley, S. Goluoglu, L.S. Paschal, R.E. Pevey and H.L. Dodds, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 74, pp. 230-231 (June, 1996).
"Progress in Time-Dependent,
Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport Methods Development", Proceedings
of the International Conference on Reactor Physics (PHYSOR 96), Vol. 3,
pp. J-62 to J-70, Mito, Japan (September 1996).
"Excursion Modeling
Examples," H.L. Dodds, an invited presentation for the Criticality
Accident Workshop at the Winter National Meeting of the American Nuclear
Society, Washington, D.C. (November, 1996).
"Molten Salt
Reactors-Safety Options Galore", U. Gat, J.R. Engel, and H.L. Dodds, Proceedings
of an International ANS Topical Meeting on Advanced Reactor Safety,
Orlando, F.L. (June, 1997).
"Development of a
Time-Dependent Three-Dimensional Deterministic Neutron Transport
Method," S. Goluoglu, C. Bentley, R. DeMeglio,
M. Dunn, K. Norton, R. Pevey, I. Suslov, and H.L.
Dodds, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 76, p.219
(June, 1997).
"Development of a Hybrid
Stochastic/Deterministic Method for Transient, Three-Dimensional Neutron
Transport," C. Bentley, R. DeMeglio, M.
Dunn, S. Goluoglu, K. Norton, R. Pevey, I. Suslov,
and H.L. Dodds, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.
76, p 221 (June, 1997).
"Continuous-Energy Methods
Development for the Monte Carlo Code KENO V.a.,"
M.E. Dunn, C.L. Bentley, S. Goluoglu, R.E. Pevey, H.L. Dodds, and L.M.
Petrie, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 76. p.
234 (June, 1997).
"Application of the Method
of Characteristics to Criticality Safety Calculations", I.R. Suslov, R.E. Pevey, C. Bentley, S. Goluoglu, R. DeMeglio, K. Norton, and H.L. Dodds, Transactions of
the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 76. p. 249 (June, 1997).
"Development Potential for
Thermal Reactors and Their Fuel Cycles," T. Rogers, H.L. Dodds, P.C. Florido, U. Gat, S. Kondo, and N.S. Spinks, Proceedings
of an International Symposium on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Reactor
Strategies, Vienna, Austria (June, 1997).
"Development of a Hybrid
Stochastic/Deterministic Method for Transient, Three-Dimensional Neutron
Transport," C. Bentley, R. Demeglio,
M. Dunn, S. Goluoglu, K. Norton, R.E. Pevey, I. Suslov,
and H.L. Dodds, Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on
Mathematical Methods and Supercomputing for Nuclear Applications,
Saratoga, NY, Vol. 2, pp. 1670-1681 (October, 1997).
"Placement of Criticality
Alarms in the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Laboratory," L.F.
Miller, L.D. Weems, Zhong Cao, Sedat Goluoglu, R.E. Pevey, and H.L. Dodds, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 77, pp. 220-221 (November, 1997).
"A Deterministic Method for
Transient, Three-Dimensional Neutron Transport," S. Goluoglu, C.
Bentley, R. Demeglio, M. Dunn, K. Norton, R.E.
Pevey, I. Suslov, and H.L. Dodds, Proceedings
of the 1998 ANS Radiation Protection and Shielding Division Topical
Conference on Technologies for the New Century, Nashville, TN, Vol. 1,
pp. I351-I358 (April, 1998).
"Neutron Beam Design for
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy at RECH-2 Reactor," Jorge E.M. Rammsy, R.V. Demeglio, Jorge
E. Medel, R.E. Pevey, and H.L. Dodds, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 78, p. 17 (June, 1998).
"Use of THREEDANT to
Calculate a 12-Rad Boundary," R.V. Demeglio,
K. Goluoglu, D. Evans, J. Rammsy, H.L. Dodds, and
R.E. Pevey, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 77,
pp. 144-145 (June, 1998).
"Application of TDKENO for
the Analysis of Criticality Excursion Experiments," K.L. Goluoglu,
C.L. Bentley, R.V. Demeglio, S. Goluoglu, R.E.
Pevey, I. Suslov, and H.L. Dodds, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 77, pp. 145-146 (June, 1998).
"Strategic Planning
Activities in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Tennessee,"
H.L. Dodds, Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Conference of the American
Society for Engineering Education, Charlotte, NC (June, 1999).
"FY98 Annual Report of the
University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H.L. Dodds, Nuclear
Engineering Department Report (February, 1999).
"Nuclear Engineering
Self-Study Report for ABET," L.F. Miller and H.L. Dodds, Nuclear
Engineering Department Report (June, 1999).
"Subcritical Reactivity
Experiment for an Undergraduate Nuclear Engineering Laboratory," M. S.
Wyatt, L. F. Miller, and H. L. Dodds, Transactions of the American
Nuclear Society, Vol. 81, pp. 41-42 (November, 1999).
"A Joint
University/Industry Program for Basic Training and Certification of Nuclear
Criticality Safety Specialists," H. L. Dodds and R. E. Pevey, Transactions
of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 81, pp. 184-186 (November, 1999).
"FY99 Annual Report of the
University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H. L. Dodds, Nuclear
Engineering Department Report (March, 2000).
"Nuclear Engineering
Education in the Future," H. L. Dodds, Proceedings of the PHYSOR
2000 International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and
Mathematics and Computations into the Next Millennium, Pittsburgh, PA
(May, 2000).
"FY2000 Annual Report of
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H.L.
Dodds, Nuclear Engineering Department Report (February 2001).
"Distance Education
Programs in Nuclear Engineering at The University of Tennessee," P.G. Groer, J.W. Hines, R.H. Jackson, L.F. Miller, R.E.
Pevey, L.W. Townsend, B.R. Upadhyaya, and H.L. Dodds, Transactions of
the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 85, pp. 456-457 (November, 2001).
"FY2001 Annual Report of
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H.L.
Dodds, Nuclear Engineering Department Report (March, 2002).
"The University of
Tennessee Brings Nuclear Engineering Education to the Student's
Desktop," J.W. Hines, R.E. Pevey, L.W. Townsend, B.R. Upadhyaya, H.L.
Dodds, and R.H. Jackson, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society,
Vol. 86, pp. 220-221 (June, 2002).
"Distance Education in
Nuclear Engineering at The University of Tennessee," H.L. Dodds, An Invited
Article for Nuclear News magazine, pp. 37-39 (June, 2002).
"The Use of Information
Technology in The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Distance
Education Program," J.W. Hines, L.F. Miller, R.E. Pevey, L.W. Townsend,
B.R. Upadhyaya, R.H. Jackson, and H.L. Dodds, 2002 ASEE Conference &
Exhibition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 16-19, 2002.
Annual Report of The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering
Department," H.L. Dodds, Nuclear Engineering Department Report (April,
Engineering Distance Education Initiatives at The University of
Tennessee," H.L. Dodds, an invited paper for the 2004 Pacific Basin
Nuclear Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, March
20-25, 2004.
"Distance Education
Programs in Nuclear Engineering at The University of Tennessee," H.L.
Dodds, an invited paper for the Symposium to Celebrate the 40th
Anniversary of the National Tsing Hua University Nuclear Engineering
Program, Taipei, Taiwan, April 22, 2004.
"FY2003 Annual Report of
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H. L.
Dodds, Nuclear Engineering Department Report (April, 2004).
"FY2004 Annual Report of
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H. L.
Dodds, Nuclear Engineering Department Report (April, 2005).
"Nuclear Criticality Safety
Education and Training: Anytime and Anywhere," H. L. Dodds, C. M.
Hopper, R. E. Pevey, D. A. Reed, R. G. Taylor, and R. M. Westfall, ANS
International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Criticality Safety, Knoxville,
Tennessee, September 19-22, 2005.
"Educating the Future
Workforce of Nuclear Professionals," H. L. Dodds, an invited plenary
presentation for the 2005 Winter Meeting of American Nuclear Society,
Washington, D.C. (November, 2005).
"FY2005 Annual Report of
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H. L.
Dodds, Nuclear Engineering Department Report (April, 2006).
"CY2006 Annual Report of
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H. L. Dodds,
Nuclear Engineering Department Report (May, 2007).
"CY2007 Annual Report of
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H. L.
Dodds, Nuclear Engineering Department Report (June, 2008).
"Distance Education at The
University of Tennessee with Emphasis on Nuclear Engineering," H. L.
Dodds, R. E. Pevey, and Caroline Bowers, 2008 Winter Meeting of the
American Nuclear Society, Reno, Nevada (November, 2008).
"Distance Education at The
University of Tennessee with Emphasis on Nuclear Engineering," an
invited presentation at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology,
Rapid City, South Dakota (December, 2008).
"Current Status of Distance
Education at The University of Tennessee with Emphasis on Nuclear
Engineering," an invited presentation at Texas A&M University
(March, 2009).
"Future Innovations in
Nuclear Engineering Education," an invited presentation at the
International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computational Methods,
and Reactor Physics, Saratoga Springs, New York (May 3-7, 2009).
"CY2008 Annual Report of
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H. L.
Dodds, Nuclear Engineering Department Report (June, 2009).
"Current Status of Distance
Education at The University of Tennessee with Emphasis on Nuclear
Engineering," an invited presentation at Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, Virginia (June, 2009).
"Nuclear Power Today and in
the Future," an invited presentation for the Paducah Chapter of the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, Paducah, Kentucky (June, 2009).
"Current Status of Distance
Education at The University of Tennessee with Emphasis on Nuclear
Engineering," an invited presentation at the Institute for Nuclear
Power Operations, Atlanta, Georgia (July, 2009).
"Current Status of Distance
Education at The University of Tennessee with Emphasis on Nuclear Engineering,"
an invited presentation for the Southeastern Conference Educational
Consortium, Atlanta, Georgia (July, 2009).
"Nuclear Power Today and in
the Future," an invited presentation at the Workshop on Nuclear Energy
for Journalists, Knoxville, Tennessee (July, 2009).
"Current Status of Distance
Education at The University of Tennessee with Emphasis on Nuclear
Engineering," an invited presentation at the Workshop on Nuclear Non-Proliferation
and Materials Accountability, Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia (October, 2009).
"Nuclear Engineering
Education and Research Programs at The University of Tennessee," several
invited presentations delivered over one week at Harbin Engineering
University, Harbin, China (October 26-30, 2009).
"Nuclear Power Today and in
the Future," an invited presentation given to the Chattanooga
Engineers Club, Chattanooga, Tennessee (January 25, 2010).
"Nuclear Power Today and in
the Future," an invited presentation given to the Technical Society of
Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee (March 22, 2010).
"CY2009 Annual Report of
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H. L.
Dodds, Nuclear Engineering Department Report (May, 2010).
"Current Status of Nuclear
Engineering Distance Education at The University of Tennessee," an
invited presentation at the Workshop on Outreach and Distance Education,
sponsored by the Canadian Nuclear Society, University of Calgary, Calgary,
Canada (June 21-21, 2010).
"Enabling Tools for use in
Nuclear Security Education," an invited panelist at the Workshop on
Nuclear Security: The Intersection of Policy, Science, and Technology,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (July 19-23, 2010).
"Nuclear Power Today and in
the Future," an invited presentation given to the Ohio State
University nuclear engineering program, Columbus, Ohio (October 21, 2010).
"Update on Distance
Education Programs in Nuclear Engineering at The University of
Tennessee," an invited presentation for the 2010 Winter Meeting of the
American Nuclear Society, Las Vegas, Nevada (November 10, 2010).
"Nuclear Power Today and in
the Future," an invited presentation given at the University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, England (February 9, 2011).
"UTNE Department Overview
including Undergraduate, Graduate, and Distance Education Programs,"
an invited presentation given at the University of Birmingham, Birmingham,
England (February 10, 2011).
"UTNE Department Research
Program Overview," an invited presentation given at the University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, England (February 11, 2011).
"Nuclear Power Today and in
the Future," an invited presentation given to the Oak Ridge Rotary Club,
Oak Ridge, Tennessee (March 10, 2011).
"CY2010 Annual Report of
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department," H. L.
Dodds, Nuclear Engineering Department Report (September, 2011).
"Energy Choices and
Consequences," an invited short course presented at Harbin Engineering
University, Harbin, China (September 24-26, 2012).
"Introduction to Nuclear
and Radiological Engineering," an invited short course presented at
Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China (September 26-28, 2012).
"Energy Choices and
Consequences," an invited presentation given to the Citywide Service
Club, Knoxville, Tennessee (December 4, 2012).
"Energy Choices and
Consequences," an invited presentation given to the Downtown Kiwanis
Club, Knoxville, Tennessee (March 11,2013).
"Energy Choices and
Consequences (with Emphasis on Electricity Generation)," an invited
presentation given to Univ. of Tennessee Engineering Freshmen, Knoxville,
Tennessee (April 22, 2013).
"Energy Choices and
Consequences," an invited presentation given to the Oak Ridge Rotary
Club, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (June 6, 2013).
"Electricity Production
Choices and Consequences-Overview of a New Short Course," Annual
Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Atlanta, Georgia (June 19, 2013).
"Energy Choices and
Consequences," an invited short course presented at Harbin Engineering
University, Harbin, China (September 15-20, 2013).
"Overview of the University
of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Program," an invited presentation
given to the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (September 25,
"Energy Choices and
Consequences," an invited presentation presented at the Annual Meeting
of the Hong Kong Nuclear Society, Hong Kong, China (September 26, 2013)
"Energy Choices and
Consequences," an invited presentation given to the Technical Society
of Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee (October 21, 2013)
"Energy Choices and
Consequences," an invited colloquium webcast presentation given to the
University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department, Knoxville,
Tennessee (November 6, 2013)
"Energy Choices and
Consequences," an invited presentation to be given to The Ohio State
University Nuclear Engineering Program, Columbus, Ohio (May 16, 2014)
"Energy Choices and
Consequences," an invited Keynote presentation to be given at the
Istanbul Nuclear Power Plant Summit, Istanbul, Turkey (May 30, 2014)
"Update on Energy Choices
and Consequences," an invited Keynote presentation to be given at the
New Energy Forum in Qingdao, China (September 21, 2014)
"Update on Energy Choices and Consequences,""
an invited presentation to be given at the City University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China (September 25, 2014)
"Update on Energy Choices and Consequences,"
an invited Keynote presentation given at the 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Energy Production (SIPS2015) in Antalya, Turkey (October 4-9, 2015)
"Update on Energy Choices and Consequences,"
an invited presentation given to the Oak Ridge/Knoxville Local Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Knoxville, Tennessee (April 14, 2016)
"Update on Energy Choices and Consequences,"
an invited presentation given in the Honors Faculty Lecture Series of the University of Tennessee Honors Program, Knoxville, Tennessee
(October 4, 2016)
"Update on Energy Choices and Consequences,"
an invited presentation given to the Western South Carolina Local Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Greenville, South Carolina
(January 10, 2017)
"Update on Energy Choices and Consequences,"
an invited presentation given to the Savannah River Local Section of the American Nuclear Society, Aiken, South Carolina (March 2, 2017)
"Update on Energy Choices and Consequences,"
an invited presentation given at the TAMU/HEU Nuclear Engineering Summer School, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China (July 10, 2017)
"Electricity Production Choices and Consequences,"
an invited plenary presentation given at the SIPS2017 International Symposium on Sustainable Energy Production, Cancun, Mexico (October 23, 2017)
"Update on Energy Choices and Consequences,"
an invited presentation given to the Chancellor's Honors Program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (August 30, 2018)
"Update on Energy Choices and Consequences,"
an invited presentation given to the University of Tennessee Physics and Astronomy Department, Knoxville, Tennessee (September 10, 2018)
"Update on Energy Choices and Consequences,"
an invited presentation given to the University of New Mexico Nuclear Engineering Department, Albuquerque, New Mexico (September 25, 2018)
"Electricity Production Choices and Consequences,"
an invited plenary presentation given at the SIPS2018 International Symposium on Sustainable Energy Production, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (November 6, 2018)
"Electricity Production Choices and Consequences - 2019 Update,"
an invited presentation given at the SIPS2019 International Symposium on Sustainable Energy Production, Paphos, Cyprus (October 24, 2019)
"Energy Choices and Consequences — 2022 Update,"
an invited presentation for the SIPS2022 International Symposium on Sustainable Energy Production, Phuket, Thailand (November 27, 2022)
"Energy Choices and Consequences — 2023 Update,"
an invited presentation given at the SIPS2023 International Symposium on Sustainable Energy Production, Panama City, Panama (November 28, 2023)
"Energy Choices and Consequences — 2024 Update,"
an invited presentation given at the SIPS2024 International Symposium on Sustainable Energy Production, Crete, Greece (October 22, 2024)