That’s Old News


08.2012 - Dr. Han won “Closest to Hole” prize at the 15th ASCE Scholarship Golf Tournament.
07.2012 - Ryan Overton passed dissertation defense and will graduate this summer.
06.2012 - Dr. Han visited several universities in China and Taiwan for scholarly exchanges and research collaboration.
05.2012 - Qiang Yang passed dissertation defense and will graduate this summer.
05.2012 - Adam Thomas presented his Pre-Collegiate Research results after working with Dr. Han and his students since summer 2011.
05.2012 - Dr. Han’s website is migrated from Apple’s iWeb hosting service to UT’s own OIT web hosting domain.  Please contact me if you have any problems or issues.
04.2012 - The 3rd Annual CEE Faculty-Student Kickball Game was held on Study Day.  Photos of the event are available here.
04.2012 - Dr. Han is awarded the 2012 Leon and Nancy Cole Superior Teaching Award.
04.2012 - Stephanie Hargrove, a doctoral student of Dr. Han’s, is awarded a Dwight D. Eisenhower Graduate Scholarship that covers her tuition, fee, stipend, and travel.
04.2012 - Dr. Han is re-elected Chair of University of Tennessee’s FS Research Council.  He will continue to serve on UT’s Executive Council also.
04.2012 - Qiang Yang, one of Dr. Han’s doctoral students, is winner of 2012 Southern District ITE Paper Award.
03.2012 - Paper on Online License Plate Matching Procedures Using License-Plate Recognition Machines and New Weighted Edit Distance published by Transportation Research Part C - Emerging Technologies. [SCIE: 1.994]
03.2012 - UT’s ITE Student Chapter wins the Traffic Bowl of the State beating Vanderbilt University and University of Memphis chapters.  The UT team will be representing the State to compete in Southern District ITE Traffic Bowl to be held in mid April.
02.2012 - Dr. Han’s paper on “Adaptive Weigh-In-Motion Algorithms for Truck Weight Enforcement” is accepted for publication by Transportation Research Part C - Emerging Technologies.  [SCIE: 1.994]
01.2012 - Dr. Han awarded Science Alliance’s Joint Directed Research & Development grant to apply high-performance computational science to transportation engineering.
01.2012 - UT’s Civil & Environmental Engineering is looking to fill two tenure-track positions at full/associate/assistant levels.  The search is open till filled.
01.2012 - Dr. Han and his students presented four technical papers at the 91st Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.


12.2011 - Dr. Han presented his Science Alliance study on the challenges of faster-than-real-time traffic simulation at Tongji University’s School of Transportation Engineering.
11.2011 - Professor Megan Smirti Ryerson, PhD, gets another, perhaps most important, title yet: mother, to twins as of 11.28.2011.
11.2011 - Paper on Effects of Countdown Timer in China published by Traffic Injury Prevention. [SCIE: 1.401]
11.2011 - Qiang Yang advanced to PhD candidacy on 11.16.2011.
11.2011 - Ryan Overton advanced to PhD candidacy on 11.16.2011.
11.2011 - Sam Moss passed MS defense on 11.16.2011.
11.2011 - UT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering passed ABET accreditation process with flying colors.
11.2011 - Dr. Han conducted a large-scale field demonstration tracking large trucks on Interstate I-40/75 in Knoxville.  The event was attended by guests from TDOT, TDOS, THP, Federal Signal, NTRCI, and representatives of congressional representatives.
10.2011 - ITE Student Chapter won 1st Place for their “Transportation Technology Showcase” exhibit on Engineers Day - 10.27.2011.
10.2011 - Sam Moss and Dr. Han made a presentation on “Cost-Benefit Ratio Analyses for TDOT’s ITS and Incident Management Program” at Tennessee Highway Safety, Operations, and Incident Management Conference.
10.2011 - Dr. Han presented his research on the challenges of faster-than-real-time traffic simulation at Wuhan University’s State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing.
10.2011 - Qiang Yang, Dr. Han’s doctoral student, is spending a month in Bosnia and Herzegovina collaborating with researchers at several universities there.  He will collect driver behavior data at several cities while traveling on W.K. McClure Scholarship.
10.2011 - Dr. Han presented his research on large-scale transportation evacuation to about 150 faculty, staff, and students at Wuhan University of Technology’s School of Computer Science and Technology.
09.2011 - Dr. Han presented his research on faster-than-real-time microscopic traffic simulation to about 90 faculty, staff, and students at Changsha University of Science and Technology.
09.2011 - Dr. Han visited Tongji University and test-drove the most advanced driving simulator in China.
08.2011 - Dr. Han is appointed the Chair of Research Council at the University of Tennessee.
08.2011 - Dr. Han made an invited presentation to about 70 ASCE Chapter members about the dire needs for new evacuation plans at TVA and other nuclear power plants.
07.2011 - Dr. Han participated in the 13th ASCE Annual Scholarship Tournament at Centennial GC.  He and teammates (Richards, Schleter, and Reed) placed 2nd in the event.
07.2011 - Dr. Han is appointed to UT’s Internal Review Board.
06.2011 - Stephanie Hargrove, a doctoral student of Dr. Han’s, was awarded 2011 TSITE Scholarship.
06.2011 - Dr. Han presented a paper on “Assessing Potential Transit Users with NHTS Data” at National Academies Keck Center in Washington, DC.
06.2011 - Dr. Han gave a speech on “Sustainability and Other Myths in Transportation” at the Conference on Ecology and Transportation at Vlašić, BiH.
05.2011 - Dr. Han lectured at Internacionalni Univerzitet Travnik and was featured in national newspaper of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
05.2011 - Dr. Han gave a lecture on mass evacuation and traffic simulation at the invitation of Professor Dr. Kai Nagel of TU Berlin’s Institut für Land- und Seeverkehr.
05.2011 - Dr. Han’s paper on the effect of count-down timers in China is accepted for publication by Traffic Injury Prevention, an SCI journal.
05.2011 - Dr. Han begins mentoring Adam Thomas, a pre-collegiate research scholar from AEHS, on traffic safety research using driving simulator. 04.2011 - Dr. Han received Year 2011 Teaching Recognition Award.
04.2011 - Doctoral students Ryan Overton, Stephanie Hargrove, and Wei Lu won the 1st, 2nd, and 4th places in TSITE Technical Paper Competition.
04.2011 - Doctoral student Qiang Yang won McClure Scholarship.  He will travel to Bosnia to conduct research at Travnik University this summer.
03.2011 - Doctoral students including Bordley, Overton, Yang, and Hargrove organized a rural teenage driver education program using our driving simulator.  The event was featured on all three networks’ evening news.
03.2011 - Dr. Han visited Wuhan University, CSUST, Tongji University, and IOT Center of China.
03.2011 - Chris Cherry won NSF CAREER award.
02.2011 - Paper on secondary signal coordination accepted for publication in ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. [SCIE: 0.496]
02.2011 - Paper on pedestrian modeling in stadium evacuation accepted for publication in Building and Environment [SCIE: 1.797]
02.2011 - Paper on wavelet-based incident detection published in Transportation Research Part C - Emerging Technologies [SCIE: 1.706]
01.2011 - Dr. Han’s PhD student Ryan Overton received STC Student of the Year Award at TRB.
01.2011 - Dr. Megan S. Ryerson to join transportation faculty in fall 2011.
01.2011 - Two papers presented at TRB poster sessions with Ryan Overton and Qiang Yang.PhDs/Entries/2012/7/9_Dr._Ryan_Overton.htmlPhDs/Entries/2012/5/29_Dr._Qiang_Yang.htmlKickball_3.htmlPapers/Entries/2011/11/23_Online_Plate_Matching_using_LPR_and_New_Weighted_Edit_distance.htmlPapers/Entries/2011/11/23_Online_Plate_Matching_using_LPR_and_New_Weighted_Edit_distance.html,_Bosnia_i_Herzegovina.htmlBlog/Entries/2011/6/2_Visiting_Internacionalni_Univerzitet_Travnik,_Bosnia_i_Herzegovina.html