program compusta c this program accesses the quarterly ascii tapes sequentially c DON'T CHANGE ANY OF THESE DIMENSION STATEMENTS integer dnum,cic,rec,file,zlist,xrel,stk,dup, * state,county integer incorp,candxc,perdes(18,48),fic character*6 cnum,lcnum character*28 coname,iname character*8 smbl character*2 qftnt(8,48),aftnt(60,48) character*10 ein real*4 data(232,48) integer irec,ioff,i,j,fileid,cutoff,ncomps,prev,ncount,create c insert any dimension statements you need here. c files are located in /usr/compustat and all have extension .ascii c their names are c cdn_qtr.ascii mrged_qtr_res_wback.ascii c fcotc_qtr.ascii mrged_qtr_res_wwback.ascii c fcotc_qtr_back.ascii pst_qtr.ascii c fcotc_qtr_wback.ascii pst_qtr_back.ascii c fcotc_qtr_wwback.ascii pst_qtr_wback.ascii c mrged_qtr_res.ascii pst_qtr_wwback.ascii c mrged_qtr_res_back.ascii c there are 48 quarters of data on each tape, so you need to figure c out which tape you need. open(unit=10, * file='/usr/compustat/pst_qtr.ascii', * status='old',form='formatted',recl=9184) ncount=0 c ***************************************************** c DON'T CHANGE ANY OF THIS STUFF! c read header read(10,989) fileid,cutoff,create,ncomps,prev 989 format(496x,i2,i6,i6,4x,i5,i6,8659x) write(*,*) ncomps,fileid,cutoff,create,prev c I think the first 3 records are header--but only the first record of c these has data read(10,'(9184x)') read(10,'(9184x)') c read records 1 through 12--or 48 quarters of data 30 do 10 irec=1,12 c since each record has 4 quarters, ioff is the quarter offset ioff=(irec-1)*4+1 read(10,990,end=900) dnum,cnum,cic,rec,file,dup,coname,iname, * ein,stk,smbl,zlist,xrel,fic,incorp,state,county,candxc, * ((perdes(i,j),i=1,18),j=ioff,ioff+3), * ((qftnt(i,j),i=1,8),j=ioff,ioff+3), * ((data(i,j),i=1,232),j=ioff,ioff+3), * ((aftnt(i,j),i=1,60),j=ioff,ioff+3) c write(*,*) cnum,' ',lcnum,' ',rec, ' ', irec if(cnum.eq.'000000')goto 900 if(rec.eq.1) lcnum=cnum if( write(*,*)'warning will smith! cnum has changed in', * rec,irec,lcnum,cnum goto 900 endif if(irec.eq.12)ncount=ncount+1 990 format(i4,a6,i3,2x,3i2,2a28,a10,i1,a8,i2,i4,3i2,i3,i2,63x, * 4(i2,i1,2i2,2i1,i4,3i2,i3,2i2,i4,i5,i1,2i2,24x), * 4(8a2), * 4(f8.3,f10.3,5f8.3,f10.3,f8.3,f10.3,4f8.3,f10.3,f8.3,f10.6, * f10.3,4f8.3,f10.3,f8.3, * 2f10.3,3f8.3,4f10.3,3f8.3,f10.3,3f8.3,5f10.3,3f8.3, * 3f10.3,2f8.3,f10.3,3f8.3,5f10.3,6f8.3,f10.3,3f8.3,f10.3, * 2f10.3,5f8.3,f10.3,3f8.3,f10.3,5f8.3,f10.3,3f8.3, * 5f8.3,f10.6,3f8.3,f10.3,2f8.3,2f10.3,f8.3,5f10.3, * 2f8.3,4f10.3,3f10.4,47f10.3,8f8.3,54f8.3), * 4(60a2)) c for aftnt and data the items cycle fastest, then years, first data is oldest 10 continue c ********************************************************** c done reading for one firm. Insert processing code here c done processing data. will go to next firm c ******************************************************** goto 30 900 write(*,*) 'ncount=',ncount,'ncomps=',ncomps stop end