HW#2: Oktoc tutorialOktoc is a code written to emulate SCALE CSAS5 (it also accepts the older designation CSAS25) for simple problems involving U235/water mixtures, for use in this class assignments and final projects. It has an associated viewer called Metric that allows you to visualize geomtries and execute problems. In this assignment, we will be going over the Test.in input deck that you downloaded in the Computational Setup exercise, running it, and then setting you loose to complete the assignment.Open Test.inI will assume that you are working from a subdirectory named "NE421" throughout the course. But that is up to you. We will be creating input files in this directory and executing them from the Command Prompt or from the Metric utility. You can use any word processor, but if you use a word processor that puts in extra formatting information (like MS Word does), be sure to save the result in ASCII (text) format. Here is what the deck looks like now:=csas25 parm=centrm NE421 Metric example 44GROUPNDF5 read composition UO2 1 0.9 293 92235 95 92238 5 end H2O 1 0.1 293 end BoratedPolyethylene 2 1 293 end MGconcrete 3 1 293 end h2o 4 1 293 end end composition read param gen=100000 sig=0.00001 tme=.1 npg=10000 nsk=3 end param read geometry unit 1 sphere 4 1 2 cylinder 1 1 7 8 -8 cuboid 0 1 9 -9 9 -9 8 -8 global unit 9 array 1 -88 -100 50 cuboid 0 1 150 -150 150 -150 300 0 cuboid 3 1 165 -165 165 -165 315 -15 end geometry read array ara=1 nux=9 nuy=3 nuz=1 fill f1 end array end data end After cut-and-pasting to a text file, you could execute this from the Command Prompt by entering
'java -cp NE421.jar Oktoc test.in'. Try it. (Or use Metric and the 'k' key.)
Let's look at this line by line. Input section 1: Sequence definition, title, cross section library=csas25 parm=centrmThe first line states the sequence that will be used and specifies the resolved resonance processing tool that will be used (CENTRM). Oktoc does not perform resonance processing, but the most accurate SCALE option is CENTRM, so I am going to keep it in our input files. (In hopes that the files can be run with SCALE with minimum modification--for those who want to.) NE421 Metric example This is the title of the case. You should change this
every time you modify the deck. (Despite the fact that I have not changed
'Metric' to 'Oktoc' like I should have!) 44GROUPNDF5 This gives the name of the cross section library that SCALE will use. (It
is quite likely that this one will not actually work. Maybe 'v7-56' would have been
a better choice. But, again, Oktoc does not use this library anyway, but has a
hard-wired 44-group library built on 44GROUPNDF5 from SCALE 5.1, so I am keeping
it here.) Input section 2: Defining materialsread composition This tells SCALE that we are going to begin defining the materials that we will use.
This 'composition' section follows the pattern we will see several times,
where 'READ xxx' begins an input section and 'END xxx' ends the section. (NOTE: In old SCALE versions, the "read composition" line
was not used, but material definition was assumed to start right after the cross section library. You may see this in older input decks,
but it is poor form to use it today.) UO2 1 0.9 293 92235 95 92238 5 end This line is the description of material 1:
H2O 1 0.1 293 end This is the material card for the other 10% of mixture 1, which is water, following the same pattern as the previous card. BoratedPolyethylene 2 1 293 end MGconcrete 3 1 293 end h2o 4 1 293 end These cards just define materials 2, 3, and 4 in the same way. (You can always define more materials than you use, for use in later problems.) end composition This signifies the end of the COMPOSITION part of the input deck. Input section 3: Calculational parametersread param gen=100000 sig=0.00001 tme=.1 npg=10000 nsk=3 end param This line contains the entire input section for PARAM. These parameters tell the code how the simulation is to proceed and how it will be terminated. The entries (a bit out of order) are:
Input section 4: Defining the 3D geometryThe next input section defines the 3D geometry. But before we dive into it, let's discuss the framework that KENO uses (and Oktoc emulates). The basic 3D geometric UNIT in KENO is called a (drum roll please) "UNIT". The main UNIT (the room or glovebox, usually) is referred to as the GLOBAL UNIT and the other UNITs are generally movable objects that are placed inside the global UNIT. Each of the UNITs are built from layers of materials laid on top of each other--with each layer completely enclosing the previous layer. Building and placing these UNITs is the principal geometric task that the user has to master, and it requires a particular "from the inside out" point of view. Describing a layerThe layers in a KENO UNIT are described by specifying a material number and an outer surface that contains it. Although KENO gives a greater variety of surfaces that can enclose each layer, Oktoc only understands three of them: spheres, upright cylinders, and cuboids (i.e., boxes). (The manual describes these and the other outer surface shapes that you can use.)A SPHERICAL layer is specified with the syntax:SPHERE mat# 1 radius ORIGIN x y z [These last 4 are optional. Without them, the sphere is centered on (0,0,0).]Example: SPHERE 3 1 5.6specifies a region that contains material 3 and has an outer surface that is a sphere centered on (0,0,0) with a radius of 5.6 centimeters. SPHERE 2 1 4.2 origin 1 2 3specifies a region that contains material 2 and has an outer surface that is a sphere centered on (1,2,3) with a radius of 4.2 centimeters. (Yes, there is an extra "1" sitting there, not doing anything. It means something to the ORNL guys--something about importance, if I remember correctly--but we will just have the "1" in that position every time. Don't question your superiors, peon.) A CYLINDRICAL layer is specified with the syntax:CYLINDER mat# 1 radius +z -z ORIGIN x y [These last 3 are optional. Without them, the cylindrical axis is the z axis, with x=0 and y=0.]The +z is the elevation of the TOP of the cylinder and -z is the elevation of the BOTTOM of the cylinder. You are free to put the origin anywhere in the UNIT that you want to--but remember where you put it! Example: CYLINDER 1 1 5.6 10 0specifies a region that contains material 1 and has an outer surface that is a cylinder centered on the z axis with a radius of 5.6 which goes from 0 to 10 centimeters. (Note that this puts the origin at the center of the bottom surface of the cylinder, which is my preference. Some analysts prefer to put it in the center of the cylinder--in which case the last two numbers in the line would be 5 and -5. Do what you want.) CYLINDER 8 1 4.1 7 2 origin 1 2specifies a region that contains material 8 and has an outer surface that is a cylinder centered on (1,2) with a radius of 4.1 centimeters which goes from 2 to 7 centimeters in z. A CUBOID layer is specified with the syntax:CUBOID mat# 1 +x -x +y -y +z -zThe -x, +x, -y, +y, -z, and +z are the upper and lower limits of the x, y, and z ranges. The tough part is remembering the order that these must be listed (which feels backwards). Example: CUBOID 11 1 5 -5 6 -6 7 -7specifies a region that contains material 11 and has an outer surface that is a rectangular parallelpiped (a box) ranging from -5 to 5 in x, -6 to 6 in y, and -7 to 7 in z (There is also a special CUBOID UNIT called an ARRAY, but I think I will wait and describe it when we have a good example in front of us.) Describing a KENO UNITThe syntax to creating a UNIT (a standalone object in KENO) is:UNIT unit# ...Line describing innermost layer ...Line describing next layer moving out .... ...Line describing the outermost layer Putting it togetherNow, I think we are ready to look at the geometric description in Test.in. The GEOMETRY section begins and ends (not surprisingly) with the READ GEOMETRY and END GEOMETRY lines.Here are the lines from Test.in: read geometry unit 1 sphere 4 1 2 cylinder 1 1 7 8 -8 cuboid 0 1 9 -9 9 -9 8 -8 global unit 9 array 1 -88 -100 50 cuboid 0 1 150 -150 150 -150 300 0 cuboid 3 1 165 -165 165 -165 315 -15 end geometry The geometry consists of two UNITs: UNIT 9 is the room (so it is marked GLOBAL) and UNIT 1 is a fissile UNIT made up of three layers:
UNIT 9 is also made of three layers:
The GLOBAL UNIT is the one that the code will calculate. You can make as many other UNITs, but unless you somehow get them into the GLOBAL UNIT, they will not be included. (Like materials that are defined but never used.) There are two ways to incorporate other UNITs into the GLOBAL UNIT: ARRAYs and HOLEs. Input section 5: Defining any ARRAYs used (not needed if there are no ARRAYs)read array ara=1 nux=9 nuy=3 nuz=1 fill f1 end array Between the obligatory READ ARRAY and END ARRAY entries there is a single ARRAY defined. (You could have multiple if there was, for example, a line that started "ara=2") The entries for the line are:
Yes, my laziness is showing, but this is a common shortcut when all the UNITs in an ARRAY are the same. If I were not so lazy (but stayed neat), the ARRAY cards would read: read array ara=1 nux=9 nuy=3 nuz=1 fill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 end array NOTE that (as if this were not complicated enough!) the top row of one's above represents the LOWEST (minimum y) row of UNITs. (Of course, it doesn't matter if the ARRAY is symmetric like this one.) Using HOLEs to insert UNITs into other UNITsAlthough not used in Test.in, there is another way that UNITs can be put into other UNITs (most commonly a movable UNIT placed in a room): Using the HOLE card. Here are the relevant details:
Use of HOLEs gives you great flexibility in placing objects in the room, at the cost of having to keep up with more details. As a (somewhat tedious) example, here is what the Test.in deck would look like with HOLEs instead of that ARRAY it used: =csas25 parm=centrm NE421 Metric example 44GROUPNDF5 read composition UO2 1 0.9 293 92235 95 92238 5 end H2O 1 0.1 293 end BoratedPolyethylene 2 1 293 end MGconcrete 3 1 293 end h2o 4 1 293 end end composition read param gen=100000 sig=0.001 tme=10 npg=10000 nsk=3 end param read geometry unit 1 sphere 4 1 2 cylinder 1 1 7 8 -8 global unit 9 cuboid 0 1 150 -150 150 -150 300 0 hole 1 -79 -91 58 hole 1 -61 -91 58 hole 1 -43 -91 58 hole 1 -25 -91 58 hole 1 -7 -91 58 hole 1 11 -91 58 hole 1 29 -91 58 hole 1 47 -91 58 hole 1 65 -91 58 hole 1 -79 -73 58 hole 1 -61 -73 58 hole 1 -43 -73 58 hole 1 -25 -73 58 hole 1 -7 -73 58 hole 1 11 -73 58 hole 1 29 -73 58 hole 1 47 -73 58 hole 1 65 -73 58 hole 1 -79 -55 58 hole 1 -61 -55 58 hole 1 -43 -55 58 hole 1 -25 -55 58 hole 1 -7 -55 58 hole 1 11 -55 58 hole 1 29 -55 58 hole 1 47 -55 58 hole 1 65 -55 58 cuboid 3 1 165 -165 165 -165 315 -15 end geometry end data end (Thank goodness for spreadsheets!) Note that I removed the outer cuboid in UNIT 1 (it was only there because ARRAY required it) and the READ ARRAY ... END ARRAY lines. |
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