Max Skowider,
Ul. Graniczna 12B/11
60-713 Poznan, Poland

Maja Wolna
Ul. Graniczna 12B/11
60-713 Poznan, Poland

Portfolio Presentation: “Man and Woman”

For this table-top portfolio presentation we will present selected works from our collaborative graduate thesis exhibition at the Academy of Fine Art in Poznan, Poland. Our thesis project addressed psychological differences between men and women.      

MAX SKORWIDER was born in Poznan, Poland in 1980 where she studied at the high school of the arts before going to the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan. Skordider completed his masters degree in printmaking this spring. He has participated in numerous poster and illustration competitions in Poland and abroad. He has regularly produced illustrations for the Polish newspper Gazetta Wyborcza and has worked for the Polish art magazine Arteon. He is affiliated with the Fritz Siebiert Art Gallery in Frankfurt am Main, Germany and has exhibited at the Arsenal Gallery in Poznan. In the fall of 2003 he was a student artist-in-residence at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA before spending a semester studyng at the Art Academy in Granada, Spain.

MAJA WOLNA was born in Poznan, Poland in 1980 where she studied at the high school of the arts before going to the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan. Wolna completed her masters degree in printmaking this spring. Wolna works as an assistant in the poster studio at the academy and has participated in numerous poster and illustration competitons in Poland and abroad. She is affiliated with the Fritz Siebiert Art Gallery in Frankfurt am Main, Germany and has exhibited her posters at the Arsenal Gallery in Poznan. In the fall of 2003 she was a student artist-in-residence at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.