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Full CV

Published and Forthcoming

  • Carruthers, Celeste K., William F. Fox, and Christopher Jepsen. What Knox Achieved: Estimated effects of free community college on attainment and earnings (accepted, Journal of Human Resources). March 2023 draft.
  • Ecton, Walt, Carolyn Heinrich, and Celeste K. Carruthers. Earning to Learn: Working while Enrolled in Tennessee Colleges and Universities. (2023). AERA Open 9, Open access version
  • Carruthers, Celeste K., William F. Fox, Larry Kessler, and Matthew N. Murray. (2022). Tax compliance in the Amazon. National Tax Journal 75(2): 297-311 Last working paper and appendix.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K., and Christopher Jepsen. (2022). Vocational Education: An International Perspective, in The Routledge Handbook of the Economics of Education, edited by Brian McCall, London, UK: Routledge. pre-publication version, CES-ifo Working Paper No. 8718.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. and Kara S. Mitchell. Are "Education Lotteries" Less Regressive? Evidence from Texas. (2020). Southern Economic Journal 86(3): 1019-1040. Winner of the 2020 Georgescu-Roegen Prize. Pre-publication version here.
  • Bruce, Donald J., Celeste K. Carruthers, Matthew C. Harris, Matthew N. Murray, and Jinseong Park. (2019). Do In-Kind Grants Stick? The Department of Defense 1033 program and local government spending. Journal of Urban Economics 112: 111-121 Pre-publication version here.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. and Jilleah G. Welch. (2019) Not Whether, but Where? Pell Grants and College Choices. Journal of Public Economics 172:1-19 Pre-publication version here.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. and Thomas Sanford. (2018) Way Station or Launching Pad? Unpacking the Returns to Adult Technical Education. Journal of Public Economics 165: 146-159. (Pre-publication version here, Appendix here)
  • Kim, Bongkyun, Celeste K. Carruthers, and Matthew C. Harris. Maternal Stress and Birth Outcomes: Evidence from the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. (2017). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 140: 354-373.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. and Marianne H. Wanamaker. Separate and Unequal in the Labor Market: Human Capital and the Jim Crow Wage Gap. (2017). Journal of Labor Economics 35(3): 655-696.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. and Marianne H. Wanamaker. Returns to School Resources in the Jim Crow South. (2017). Explorations in Economic History 64: 104-110.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. and Umut Ozek. (2016). Losing HOPE: Financial Aid and the Line Between College and Work. Economics of Education Review 53: 1-15. Pre-publication version here.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. and William F. Fox (2016). Aid for all: College coaching, financial aid, and postsecondary persistence in Tennessee. Economics of Education Review 51: 97-112.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. and Marianne H. Wanamaker. (2015). Municipal Housekeeping: The Impact of Women's Suffrage on the Provision of Public Education. The Journal of Human Resources 50 (4): 837-872.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. and Donald J. Bruce. Jackpot? The Impact of Lottery Scholarships on Enrollment in Tennessee. (2014). Journal of Urban Economics 81: 30-44.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. and Marianne H. Wanamaker (2013). Closing the Gap? The Effect of Private Philanthropy on the Provision of African-American Schooling in the U.S. South. Journal of Public Economics 101, 53-67.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. (2012). The Qualifications and Classroom Performance of Teachers Moving to Charter Schools. Education Finance and Policy, 7(3), 223-268.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K. (2012). New Schools, New Students, New Teachers: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Charter Schools. Economics of Education Review, 31(2), 280-292.

Working Papers

  • Carruthers, Celeste K., Shaun Dougherty, Thomas Goldring, Daniel Kreisman, Roddy Theobald, Carly Urban, and Jesus Villero. Career and Technical Education Alignment Across Five States. (conditionally accepted)
  • Brown, Michael, Celeste K. Carruthers, Michael Kofoed, Jenna Kramer, and Aaron Phipps. Does Free Community College Change Who Enlists in the Military? Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence from Tennessee Promise. (submitted)
  • Carruthers, Celeste K., Shaun Dougherty, Daniel Kreisman, Roddy Theobald, Carly Urban, and Jesus Villero. Who Take High-Earnings CTE Pathways? An Empirical Analysis from Five States. (submitted)
  • Wu, Ge and Celeste K. Carruthers. Assessing a Free College Opportunity for Students in Disadvantaged Schools. (submitted)
  • Attridge, Jonathon, Jill G. Welch, and Celeste K. Carruthers. Free community college and college completion: Evidence from Tennessee.
  • Carruthers, Celeste K., and Ge Wu. Does Career and Technical Education Move with the Labor Market?

Policy Briefs, Reports, and Other Writing


  • Carruthers, Celeste, and Wanamaker, Marianne. County-level school enrollment and resources in ten segregated Southern states, 1910-1940. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2019-05-06.

The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.