[J23] S. Alam, M. S. Hossain, K. Ni, V. Narayanan, and A. Aziz,“Voltage-controlled cryogenic Boolean logic gates based on ferroelectric SQUID and heater cryotron”, in Journal of Applied Physics, 2024.
[J22] S. Alam, J. Hutchins, N. Shukla, K. Asifuzzaman, and A. Aziz,“CMOS-based single-cycle in-memory XOR/XNOR”, in IEEE Access , 2024.
[J21] M. M. Islam, S. Alam, M. A. Jahangir, G. S. Rose, S. Datta, V. Narayanan, S. K. Gupta, and A. Aziz,“Reimagining Sense Amplifiers: Harnessing Phase Transition Materials for Current and Voltage Sensing”, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2024.
[J20] M. M. Islam, S. Alam, M. S. Hossain, and A. Aziz,“Compact Model of a Topological Transistor”, in IEEE Access , 2024.
[J19] M. M. Islam, S. Alam, G. S. Rose, A. Fathy, S. K. Gupta, and A. Aziz,“Harnessing Unipolar Threshold Switches for Enhanced Rectification”, in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2024.
[J18] J. Hutchins, S. Alam, D. S. Rampini, B. G. Oripov, A. N. McCaughan, and A. Aziz,“Machine learning-powered compact modeling of stochastic electronic devices using mixture density networks”, in Scientific Reports, 2024.
[J17] S. Alam, M. S. Hossain, S. R. Srinivasa, and A. Aziz,“Cryogenic Memory Technologies”, in Nature Electronics, 2023.
[J16] S. Alam, D. S. Rampini, B. G. Oripov, A. N. McCaughan, and A. Aziz,“Cryogenic Reconfigurable Logic with Superconducting Heater Cryotron: Enhancing Area Efficiency and Enabling Camouflaged Processors”, in Applied Physics Letters, 2023.
[J15] S. Alam, W. M. Hunter, N. Amin, M. M. Islam, S. K. Gupta, and A. Aziz,“Design Space Exploration for Phase Transition Material Augmented MRAMs with Separate Read-Write Paths”, in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2023.
[J14] S. Alam, M. M. Islam, M. S. Hossain, A. Jaiswal, and A. Aziz,“Cryogenic In-Memory Bit-Serial Addition using Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect-based Majority Logic”, in IEEE Access, 2023.
[J13] S. Alam, M. M. Islam, J. Hutchins, N. Cady, S. K. Gupta, G. S. Rose, and A. Aziz,“Design Space Exploration for Threshold Switch Assisted Memristive Memory”, in IEEE Tramsactions on Nanotechnology, 2023.
[J12] M. M. Islam, S. Alam, C. D. Schuman, M. S. Hossain, and A. Aziz,“A Deep Dive into the Design Space of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Cryogenic Spiking Neurons”, in Nature Electronics,Mar. 2023.
[J11] M. M. Islam, S. Alam, M. S. Hossain, K. Roy, and A. Aziz,“A Review of Cryogenic Neuromorphic Hardware”, in Journal of Applied Physics, 2023. [Early Career Investigator Best Paper]
[J10] A. Mallick, Z. Zhao, M. K. Bashar, S. Alam, et al.,“CMOS-Compatible Ising Machines built using Bistable Latches Coupled through Ferroelectric Transistor Arrays”, in Scientific Reports, 2023.
[J9] J. Hutchins, S. Alam, A. Zeumault, K. Beckmann, N. Cady, G. S. Rose, and A. Aziz,“A Generalized Workflow for Creating Machine Learning-Powered Compact Models for Multi-state Devices”, in IEEE Access, 2022.
[J8] S. Alam, M. S. Hossain, M. M. Islam, A. Jaiswal, and A. Aziz,“CryoCiM: Cryogenic Compute-in-Memory based on Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect”, in Applied Physics Letters, 2022.
[J7] A. Zeumault, S. Alam, M. O. Faruk, and A. Aziz,“Memristor Compact Model with Oxygen Vacancy Concentrations as State Variables”, in Journal of Applied Physics, 2022.
[J6] J. Vaidya, R. S. S. Kanthi, S. Alam, N. Amin, A. Aziz, and N. Shukla,“A Three-terminal Non-volatile Ferroelectric Switch with an Insulator-Metal Transition Channel”, in Scientific Reports, 2022. [Top 100 in Materials Science]
[J5] M. Z. Baten, S. Alam, B. Sikder, and A. Aziz,“III-Nitride Light-Emitting Devices”, in Photonics, 2021.
[J4] A. Zeumault, S. Alam, Z. Wood, R. J. Weiss, A. Aziz, and G. Rose, “TCAD Modeling of Resistive-Switching of HfO2 Memristors: Efficient Device-Circuit Co-Design for Neuromorphic Systems”, in Frontiers in Nanotechnology, 2021.
[J3] S. Alam, M. S. Hossain, and A. Aziz, “A cryogenic memory array based on superconducting memristor”, in Applied Physics Letters, 119, 082602 (2021), 2021. [Editor’s Pick]
[J2] S. Alam, M. S. Hossain and A. Aziz, “A non-volatile cryogenic random-access memory based on the quantum anomalous Hall effect”, in Scientific Reports, 2021. [Top 100 in Materials Science] [Top 100 in Physics]
[J1] S. Alam, M. A. Jahangir and A. Aziz, “A Compact Model for Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) Josephson Junction”, in IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2020.
Conference Proceedings
[C16] S. Alam and A. Aziz, “Ultra-Area-Efficient Cryogenic XNOR Logic Gate with Superconducting Heater Cryotron to Advance High-Performance Computing”, in Proceedings of the 34th Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), 2024.
[C15] M. Ashbach, M. M. Islam, S. Alam, A. Aziz,and S. George, “Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect Ternary Content Addressable Memory”, in Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2024.
[C14] S. Alam, J. Hutchins, M. S. Hossain, K. Ni, V. Narayanan, and A. Aziz, “Cryogenic In-Memory Matrix-Vector Multiplication using Ferroelectric Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (FE-SQUID)”, in Proceedings of the 60th Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2023.
[C13] S. Alam, A. N. McCaughan, and A. Aziz, “Reconfigurable Superconducting Logic Using Multi-Gate Switching of a Nano-Cryotron”, in Proceedings of the 81st Device Research Conference (DRC),, 2023.
[C12] S. Alam, K. Asifuzzaman, and A. Aziz ,“A Novel Scalable Array Design for III-V Compound Semiconductor-based Non-volatile Memory (UltraRAM) with Separate Read-Write Paths”, in Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2023.
[C11] M. M. Islam, J. hutchins, S. Alam, M. S. Hossain, A. Jaiswal, and A. Aziz, “Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect-based Variation Robust Binary Content Addressable Memory”, in Proceedings of the 66th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2023. [Best Paper Nominee]
[C10] A. Govindankutty,, S. Alam, S. Das, A. Aziz, and S. George, “Cryogenic In-memory Binary Multiplier Using Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect Memories”, in Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) , 2023.
[C9] M. M. Islam,S. Alam, M. R. Udoy, M. S. Hossain, and A. Aziz, “A Cryogenic Artificial Synapse based on Superconducting Memristor”, in Proceedings of the 2023 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), 2023.
[C8] A. Govindankutty, S. Alam, S. Das, A. Aziz, and S. George, “Ternary In-Memory Computing with Cryogenic Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect Memories”, in Proceedings of the 2023 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), 2023
[C7] S. Alam, M. M. Islam, M. S. Hossain, and A. Aziz, “Superconducting Josephson Junction FET-based Cryogenic Voltage Sense Amplifier”, in Proceedings of the 80th Device Research Conference (DRC), Ohio USA, 2022.
[C6] S. Alam, M. M. Islam, M. S. Hossain, K. Ni, V. Narayanan, and A. Aziz, “Cryogenic Memory Array based on Ferroelectric SQUID and Heater Cryotron”, in Proceedings of the 80th Device Research Conference (DRC), Ohio USA, 2022.
[C5] M. M. Islam, S. Alam, N. Shukla, and A. Aziz, “Design Space Analysis of Superconducting Nanowire-based Cryogenic Oscillators”, in Proceedings of the 80th Device Research Conference (DRC), Ohio USA, 2022.
[C4] S. Alam, M. M. Islam, J. Hutchins, N. Cady, S. K. Gupta, G. S. Rose, and A. Aziz, “Threshold Switch Assisted Memristive Memory with Enhanced Read Distinguishability”, in Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO), Spain, 2022.
[C3] S. Alam, M. M. Islam, A. Jaiswal, N. Cady, G. S. Rose, and A. Aziz, “Variation-Aware Design Space Exploration of Mott Memristor-Based Neuristors”, in Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Cyprus, 2022.
[C2] M. M. Islam, S. Alam, M. S. Hossain, and A. Aziz, “Dynamically Reconfigurable Cryogenic Spiking Neuron based on Superconducting Memristor”, in Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO), Spain, 2022.
[C1] S. Alam, N. Amin, S. K. Gupta and A. Aziz, “Monte Carlo Variation Analysis of NCFET-based 6-T SRAM: Design Opportunities and Trade-offs”, in Proceedings of the 2021 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Virtual Conference, USA, 2021.
[P4] A. Aziz, S. Alam, and M. M. Islam,“Cryogenic Superconductive Electronic Assembly,” U. S. Patent Application 18/537,534, December 2023.
[P3] A. Aziz, and S. Alam,“Crypgenic Reconfigurable Logic with Superconducting Heater Cryotron,” U. S. Provisional Patent 63/658,624, June 2024.
[P2] A. Aziz and S. Alam, “Scalable Array Designs and In-memory Computing for III-V Compound Semiconductor-based Non-volatile Memory With Separate Read-write Paths,” U. S. provisional Patent 63/574,464, April 2024.
[P1] A. Aziz, M. M. Islam S. Alam, and M. R. I. Udoy,“Cryogenic Artificial Synapse based-on Superconducting Memristor,” U. S. Provisional Patent 63/468,688 , May 2023.
[B1] A. Aziz and S. Alam, “Superconducting Memory Technologies”, Synthesis Lectures on Solid State Materials and Devices, Springer Nature (in press).
[A1] S. Alam, M. S. Hossain, and A. Aziz,“Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Magic-angle Van der Waals Materials:Enabler of Cryogenic Memory Systems”, in MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, 2021.
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