Johnston Research Group

Department of Physics and Astronomy,
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville


Antiferromagnetic and bond-order-wave phases in the half-filled two-dimensional optical Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard model

A. Tanjaroon Ly, B. Cohen-Stead, and S. Johnston
Submitted to Physical Review B (2025)

Optimizing the Critical Temperature and Superfluid Density of a Metal-Superconductor Bilayer

Y. Zhang, P. M. Dee, B. Cohen-Stead, T. A. Maier, S. Johnston, and R. Scalettar
Submitted to Physical Review B (2025)

Cooper-Pair Localization in the Magnetic Dynamics of a Cuprate Ladder

A. Scheie, P. Laurell, J. Thomas, V. Sharma, A. I. Kolesnikov, G. E. Granroth, Q. Zhang, B. Lake, M. Mihalik Jr., R. I. Bewley, R. S. Eccleston, J. Akimitsu, E. Dagotto, C. D. Batista, G. Alvarez, S. Johnston, and D. A. Tennant
Submitted to Physical Review X (2025)

Beyond-Hubbard pairing in a cuprate ladder

H. Padma, J. Thomas, S. TenHuisen, W. He, Z. Guan, J. Li, B. Lee, Y. Wang, S. H. Lee, Z. Mao, H. Jang, V. Bisogni, J. Pelliciari, M. P. M. Dean, S. Johnston, and M. Mitrano
Submitted to Physical Review X (2025)

Observation of anisotropic dispersive dark exciton dynamics in CrSBr

J. Sears, W. He, Y. Shen, M. Lajer, J. W. Villanova, T. Berlijn, F. Yakhou-Harris, N. B. Brookes, D. G. Chica, X. Roy, E. Baldini, V. Bisogni, S. Johnston, M. Mitrano, M. P. M. Dean
Submitted to Physical Review Letters (2025)

Identifying and quantifying Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-like interactions with RIXS

D. Banerjee, J. Thomas, A. Nocera, and S. Johnston
Submitted to Physical Review Letters (2024)

Theory of electron-phonon interactions in extended correlated systems probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

J. Thomas, D. Banerjee, A. Nocera, and S. Johnston
Submitted to Physical Review X (2024)

Persistence of small polarons into the superconducting phase of Ba1-xKxBiO3

M. Naamneh, E. Paris, D. McNally, Y. Tseng, W. R. Pudelko, D. J. Gawryluk, J. Shamblin, E. O'Quinn, B. Cohen-Stead, M. Shi, M. Radovic, M. Lang, T. Schmitt, S. Johnston, N. C. Plumb
Submitted to Nature Communications (2024)

Reviews and Perspectives

Exploring quantum materials with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

M. Mitrano, S. Johnston, Young-June Kim, and M. P. M. Dean
Physical Review X (Perspective) 14, 040501 (2024)

A perspective on machine learning and data science for strongly correlated electron problems

S. Johnston, E. Khatami, and R. T. Scalettar
Carbon Trends 9, 100231 (2022).


Dispersive dark excitons in van der Waals ferromagnet CrI3

W. He, J. Sears, F. Barantani, T. Kim, J. W. Villanova, T. Berlijn, M. Lajer, M. A. McGuire, J. Pelliciari, V. Bisogni, S. Johnston, E. Baldini, M. Mitrano, and M. P. M. Dean
Physical Review X, in press (2025)


Exploring quantum materials with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

M. Mitrano, S. Johnston, Young-June Kim, and M. P. M. Dean
Physical Review X (Perspective) 14, 040501 (2024)

Fluctuating charge-density-wave correlations in the three-band Hubbard model

P. Mai, B. Cohen-Stead, T. A. Maier, and S. Johnston
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2408717121 (2024)

SmoQyDEAC.jl: A differential evolution package for the analytic continuation of imaginary time correlation functions

J. Neuhaus, N. S. Nichols, D. Banerjee, B. Cohen-Stead, T. A. Maier, A. Del Maestro, and S. Johnston
SciPost Codebases 39 (2024)

Kekulé valance bond order in the Honeycomb lattice optical Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model and its relevance to graphene

S. Malkaruge Costa, B. Cohen-Stead, and S. Johnston
Physical Review B 110, 115130 (2024)

Classical dynamics of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg S=1/2 spin ladder

D. A. Dahlbom, J. Thomas, S. Johnston, K. Barros, and C. D. Batista
Physical Review B 110, 104403 (2024)

Magnetic, charge, and bond order in the two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Holstein model

M. Casebolt, C. Feng, R. T. Scalettar, S. Johnston, and G. G. Batrouni
Physical Review B 110, 045112 (2024)

SmoQyDQMC.jl: A flexible implementation of determinant quantum Monte Carlo for Hubbard and electron-phonon interactions

B. Cohen-Stead, S. Malkaruge Costa, J. Neuhaus, A. Tanjaroon Ly, Y. Zhang, R. Scalettar, K. Barros, and S. Johnston
SciPost Codebases 29 (2024)

Magnetically propagating Hund’s exciton in van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3

W. He, Y. Shen, K. Wohlfeld, J. Sears, J. Li, J. Pelliciari, M. Walicki, S. Johnston, E. Baldini, V. Bisogni, M. Mitrano, and M. P. M. Dean
Nature Communications 15, 3496 (2024)

Universal Stripe Symmetry of Short-range Charge Density Waves in Cuprate Superconductors

J. Choi, J. Li, A. Nag, J. Pelliciari, H. Robarts, C. C. Tam, A. Walters, S. Agrestini, M. M. García-Fernández, D. Song, H. Eisaki, S. Johnston, R. Comin, H. Ding, and K.-J. Zhou
Advanced Materials 36, 2307515 (2024)


Suppressed superexchange interactions in the cuprates by bond-stretching oxygen phonons

S.Li and S. Johnston
Physical Review B 108, L201113 (2023)

Comparative study of the superconductivity in the Holstein and optical Su-Schrieffer-Heeger models

A. Tanjaroon Ly, B. Cohen-Stead, S. Malkaruge Costa and S. Johnston
Physical Review B 108 184501 (2023), Editor's Suggestion

Comparative determinant quantum Monte Carlo study of the acoustic and optical variants of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model

S. Malkaruge Costa, B. Cohen-Stead, A. Tanjaroon Ly, J. Neuhaus, and S. Johnston
Physical Review B 108 165138 (2023)

Ground-state and spectral properties of the doped one-dimensional optical Hubbard-Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model

D. Banerjee, J. Thomas, A. Nocera, and S. Johnston
Physical Review B 107 235113 (2023)

Robust charge-density wave correlations in the electron-doped single-band Hubbard model

P. Mai, S. Karakuzu, N. S. Nichols, F. Bao, A. Del Maestro, Thomas A. Maier, and S. Johnston
Nature Communications 14 2889 (2023)

A flexible class of exact Hubbard-Stratonovich transformations

S. Karakuzu, B. Cohen-Stead, C. D. Batista, S. Johnston, and K. Barros
Physical Review E 107 055301 (2023)

A group-equivariant autoencoder for identifying spontaneously broken symmetries in the Ising model

D. Agrawal, A. Del Maestro, S. Johnston, and J. Ostrowski
Physical Review E 107, 054104 (2023)

Charge order in the kagome lattice Holstein model: A Hybrid Monte Carlo study

O. Bradley, B. Cohen-Stead, S. Johnston, K. Barros, and R. T. Scalettar
npj Quantum Materials 8, 21 (2023)

Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering data for Ruddlesden-Popper and reduced Ruddlesden-Popper nickelates

G. Fabbris, D. Meyers, Y. Shen, V. Bisogni, J. Zhang, J. Mitchell, M. Norman, S. Johnston, J. Feng, G. Chiuzbaian, A. Nicolaou, N. Jaouen, and M. Dean
Scientific Data 10, 174 (2023)

A hybrid Monte Carlo study of bond-stretching electron-phonon interactions and charge order in the bismuthate family of superconductors

B. Cohen-Stead, K. Barros, R. Scalettar, and S. Johnston
npj Computational Materials 9, 40 (2023)

Charge correlations suppress unconventional pairing in the Holstein model

P. M. Dee, B. Cohen-Stead, S. Johnston, and P. J. Hirschfeld,
Physical Review B 107, 104503 (2023)

Electronic character of charge order in square planar low valence nickelates

Y. Shen, J. Sears, G. Fabbris, J. Li, J. Pelliciari, M. Mitrano, W. He, J. Zhang, J. F. Mitchell, V. Bisogni, M. R. Norman, S. Johnston, and M. P. M. Dean
Physical Review X 13, 011021 (2023)

Evidence for chiral superconductivity on a silicon surface

F. Ming, X. Wu, C. Chen, K. D. Wang, P. Mai, T. A. Maier, J. Strockoz, J. W. F. Venderbos, C. Gonzalez, J. Ortega, S. Johnston, and H. H. Weitering
Nature Physics 19, 500–506 (2023)

Fluctuating intertwined stripes in the strange metal regime of the Hubbard model

E. W. Huang, T. Liu, W. O. Wang, H.-C. Jiang, P. Mai, T. A. Maier, S. Johnston, B. Moritz, and T. P. Devereaux
Physical Review B 107, 085126 (2023)


Stripe correlations in the two-dimensional Hubbard-Holstein model

S. Karakuzu, A. Tanjaroon Ly, P. Mai, J. Neuhaus, T. A. Maier, and S. Johnston
Communications Physics 5, 311 (2022).

A perspective on machine learning and data science for strongly correlated electron problems

S. Johnston, E. Khatami, and R. T. Scalettar
Carbon Trends 9, 100231 (2022).

Crossover of high-energy spin fluctuations from collective triplon excitations to incoherent gapped magnetic modes in the cuprate ladders of Sr14-xCaxCu24O41

Y. Tseng, J. Thomas, W. Zhang, E. Paris, P. Puphal, R. Bag, G. Deng, T. C. Asmara, V. N. Strocov, S. Singh, E. Pomjakushina, U. Kumar, A. Nocera, H. M. Rønnow, S. Johnston, and T. Schmitt
npj Quantum Materials 7,92 (2022)

Unraveling higher-order contributions to spin excitations probed using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

U. Kumar, A. Nag, J. Li, H. C. Robarts, A. C. Walters, M. García-Fernández, R.Saint-Martin, A. Revcolevschi, J. Schlappa, T. Schmitt, S. Johnston, and K.-J. Zhou
Physical Review B 106, L060406 (2022)

Enhancing Tc in a composite superconductor/metal bilayer system: a dynamical cluster approximation study

P. M. Dee, S. Johnston, and T. A. Maier
Physical Review B 105, 214502 (2022)

Theory of dispersive optical phonons in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments

K. Bieniasz, S. Johnston, and M. Berciu
Physical Review B 105, L180302 (2022)

Quadrupolar magnetic excitations in an isotropic spin-1 antiferromagnet

A. Nag, A. Nocera, S. Agrestini, M. García-Fernández, A. C. Walters, S.-W. Cheong, S. Johnston, and K.-J. Zhou
Nature Communications 13, 2327 (2022)

Dynamical tuning of the chemical potential to achieve a target particle number in grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations

C. Miles, B. Cohen-Stead, O. Bradley, S. Johnston, R. Scalettar, and K. Barros
Physical Review E 105, 045311 (2022)

Hybrid quantum-classical approach for coupled-cluster Green’s function theory

T. Keen, Bo. Peng, K. Kowalski, P. Lougovski, and S. Johnston
Quantum 6, 675 (2022)

Doping-dependence of the electron-phonon coupling in two families of bilayer superconducting cuprates

Y. Peng, L. Martinelli, Q. Li, M. Rossi, M. Mitrano, R. Arpaia, M. Moretti Sala, Q. Gao, X. Guo, G. M. DeLuca, A. Walters, A. Nag, A. Barbour, G. Gu, J. Pelliciari, N. B. Brookes, P. Abbamonte, M. Salluzzo, X. Zhou, K.-J. Zhou, V. Bisogni, L. Braicovich, S. Johnston, and G. Ghiringhelli
Physical Review B 105, 115105 (2022)

Role of oxygen states in the low valence nickelate La4Ni3O8

Y. Shen, J. Sears, G. Fabbris, J. Li, J. Pelliciari, I. Jarrige, Xi He, I. Božović, M. Mitrano, J. Zhang, J. F. Mitchell, A. S. Botana, V. Bisogni, M. R. Norman, S. Johnston, and M. P. M. Dean
Physical Review X 12, 011055 (2022)

Intertwined spin, charge and pair correlations in the two-dimensional Hubbard model in the thermodynamic limit.

P. Mai, S. Karakuzu, G. Balduzzi, S. Johnston, T. A. Maier
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, e2112806119 (2022)


Superconductivity in the bilayer Hubbard model: Two Fermi surfaces better than one

S. Karakuzu, S. Johnston, and T. A. Maier
Physical Review B 104, 245109 (2021)

Hybridization of Bogoliubov-quasiparticles between adjacent CuO2 layers in the triple-layer cuprate Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+ẟ studied by ARPES

S. Ideta, S. Johnston, T. Yoshida, K. Tanaka, M. Mori, H. Anzai, A. Ino, M. Arita, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, S. Ishida, K. Takashima, K. M. Kojima, T. P. Devereaux, S. Uchida, A. Fujimori
Physical Review Letters 127, 217004 (2021)

Quantum fluctuations of charge order induce phonon softening in a superconducting cuprate

H. Y. Huang, A. Singh, C. Y. Mou, S. Johnston, A. F. Kemper, J. van den Brink, P. J. Chen, T. K. Lee, J. Okamoto, Y. Y. Chu, J. H. Li, S. Komiya, A. C. Komarek, A. Fujimori, C. T. Chen, D. J. Huang
Physical Review X 11, 041038 (2021).

Particle-hole asymmetry in the dynamical spin and charge structure factors of the corner-shared one-dimensional cuprates

S. Li, A. Nocera, U. Kumar, S. Johnston
Communications Physics 4, 217 (2021)

Beyond single-site approximation modelling of electron-phonon coupling in resonant inelastic X-ray scattering

K. Bieniasz, S. Johnston, M. Berciu
SciPost 11, 062 (2021)

Superconductivity, Charge-Density-Waves, and Bipolarons in the Holstein model

B. Nosarzewski, E. W. Huang, Philip M. Dee, I. Esterlis, B. Moritz, S. A. Kivelson, S. Johnston, T. P. Devereaux
Physical Review B 103, 235156 (2021).

Evolution of spin excitations from bulk to monolayer FeSe

J. Pelliciari, S. Karakuzu, Q. Song, R. Arpaia, A. Nag, M. Rossi, J. Li, T. Yu, X. Chen, R. Peng, M. M. García-Fernández, A. C. Walters, Q. Wang, J. Zhao, G. Ghiringhelli, D. Feng, T. A. Maier, K.-J. Zhou, S. Johnston, and R. Comin
Nature Communications, 12, 3122 (2021)

Probing the interplay between lattice dynamics and short-range magnetic correlations in CuGeO3 with femtosecond RIXS

E. Paris, C. W. Nicholson, S. Johnston, Y. Tseng, M. Rumo, G. Coslovich, S. Zohar, M. F. Lin, V. N. Strocov, R. Saint-Martin, A. Revcolevschi, A. Kemper, W. Schlotter, G. L. Dakovski, C. Monney, and T. Schmitt
npj Quantum Materials, 6, 51 (2021).

Enhanced superconductivity in FeSe/SrTiO3 from the combination of forward scattering phonons and spin fluctuations

L. Rademaker, G. Alvarez-Suchini, K. Nakatsukasa, Y. Wang, S. Johnston
Physical Review B 103, 144504 (2021).

Nonequilibrium-DMFT based RIXS investigation of the two-orbital Hubbard model

P. Werner, S. Johnston, M. Eckstein
Europhysics Letters 133, 57005 (2021).

Pairing correlations in the cuprates: a numerical study of the three-band Hubbard model

P. Mai, G. Balduzzi, S. Johnston, T. A. Maier
Physical Review B 103, 144514 (2021)

Polaron and bipolaron tendencies in a semiclassical model for hole-doped bismuthates

M. Jiang, G. A. Sawatzky, M. Berciu, S. Johnston.
Physical Review B 103, 115129 (2021).

Orbital structure of the effective pairing interaction in the high-temperature superconducting cuprates

P. Mai, G. Balduzzi, S. Johnston, T. A. Maier.
npj Quantum Materials 6, 26 (2021).


Superconductivity in a hole-doped Mott-insulating triangular adatom layer on a silicon surface

X. Wu, F. Ming, T. S. Smith, G. Liu, F. Ye, K. Wang, S. Johnston, H. H. Weitering
Physical Review Letters 125, 117001 (2020).

Relative importance of nonlinear electron-phonon coupling and vertex corrections in the Holstein model

P. M. Dee, J. Coulter, K. G. Kleiner, and S. Johnston
Communications Physics 3, 145 (2020).

Spectroscopic signatures of next-nearest-neighbor hopping in the charge and spin dynamics of doped one-dimensional antiferromagnets

U. Kumar, G. Price, K. Stiwinter, A. Nocera, S. Johnston, and T. Datta
Physical Review B 102, 075134 (2020).

Multi-orbital charge density wave excitations and concomitant phonon anomalies in Bi2Sr2LaCuO6+δ

J. Li, Abhishek Nag, J. Pelliciari, H. Robarts, A. Walters, M. García-Fernández, H. Eisaki, D. Song, H. Ding, S. Johnston, R. Comin, K.-J. Zhou
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 16219-16225 (2020).

Quantum Monte Carlo study of lattice polarons in the two-dimensional multi-orbital Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model

Shaozhi Li and S. Johnston
npj Quantum Materials, 5, 40 (2020).

Determining the Electron-Phonon Coupling in Superconducting Cuprates by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering: Methods and Results on Nd1+xBa2-xCu3O7-δ

L. Braicovich, M. Rossi, R. Fumagalli, Y. Peng, Y. Wang, R. Arpaia, D. Betto, G. M. De Luca, D. Di Castro, K. Kummer, M. M. Sala, M. Pagetti, G. Balestrino, N. B. Brookes, M. Salluzzo, S. Johnston, J. van den Brink, and G. Ghiringhelli
Physical Review Research 2, 023231 (2020).

Quantum-classical simulation of two-site dynamical mean-field theory on noisy quantum hardware.

T. Keen, T. A. Maier, S. Johnston, and P. Lougovski
Quantum Science and Technology 5, 035001 (2020).


Accelerating lattice quantum Monte Carlo simulations using artificial neural networks: an application to the Holstein model

S. Li, P. M. Dee, E. Khatami, and S. Johnston
Physical Review B 100, 020302(R) (2019)

Theoretical study of the spin and charge dynamics of two-leg ladders as probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

U. Kumar, A. Nocera, E. Dagotto, and S. Johnston
Physical Review B 99, 205130 (2019)

Fingerprints of an Orbital-Selective Mott Phase in the Block Magnetic State of BaFe2Se3 Ladders.

Niravkumar D. Patel, Alberto Nocera, Gonzalo Alvarez, Adriana Moreo, Steven Johnston, Elbio Dagotto.
Communications Physics 2, 64 (2019)

Temperature-filling phase diagram of the two-dimensional Holstein model in the thermodynamic limit by self-consistent Migdal approximation.

Philip M. Dee, Ken Nakatsukasa, Yan Wang, Steven Johnston.
Physical Review B 99, 024514 (2019)


Identifying a forward scattering superconductor through pump-probe spectroscopy.

Ankit Kumar, S. Johnston, A. F. Kemper.
Europhysics Letters 124, 67002 (2018).

Probing multi-spinon excitations outside of the two-spinon continuum in the antiferromagnetic spin chain cuprate Sr2CuO3.

J. Schlappa, U. Kumar, K. J. Zhou, S. Singh, M. Mourigal, V. N. Strocov, A. Revcolevschi, L. Patthey, H. M. Rønnow, S. Johnston, and T. Schmitt.
Nature Communications 9, 5394 (2018)

Decoupling carrier concentration and electron-phonon coupling in oxide heterostructures.

D. Meyers, K. Nakatsukasa, S. Mu, L. Hao, J. Yang, Y. Cao, G. Fabbris, H. Miao, J. Pelliciari, D. McNally, M. Dantz, E. Paris, E. Karapetrova, Y. Choi, D. Haskel, P. Shafer, E. Arenholz, T. Schmitt, T. Berlijn, S. Johnston, J. Liu, and M. P. M. Dean.
Physical Review Letters 121, 236802 (2018).

Coupled Cu- and Mn-charge and orbital orders in YBa2Cu3O7/Nd0.65(Ca1-ySry)0.35MnO3 multilayers.

E. Perret, C. Monney, S. Johnston, J. Khmaladze, F. Lyzwa, R. Gaina, M. Dantz, J. Pelliciari, C. Piamonteze, B. P. P. Mallet, M. Minola, B. Keimer, T. Schmitt, C. Bernhard.
Communications Physics 1, 45 (2018).

Comment on "Oxygen vacancy-induced magnetic moment in edge-sharing CuO2 chains of Li2CuO2".

R. O. Kuzian, R. Klingeler, W. E. A. Lorenz, N. Wizent, S. Nishimoto, U. Nitzsche, H. Rosner, D. Milosavljevic, L. Hozoi, R. Yadas, J. Richter, A. Hauser, J Geck, R. Hayn, V. Yushankhai, L. Siurakshina, C. Monney, T. Schmitt, G. Roth, T. Ito, H. Yamaguchi, M. Matsuda, S. Johnston, J. Málek, and S.-L. Drechsler.
New Journal of Physics 20, 058001 (2018).

Phase competition in a one-dimensional three-orbital Hubbard-Holstein model.

S. Li, Y. Tang, T. A. Maier, and S. Johnston.
Physical Review B 97, 195116 (2018).

Computing Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Spectra Using The Density Matrix Renormalization Group Method.

A. Nocera, U. Kumar, N. Kaushal, G. Alvarez, E. Dagotto, and S. Johnston.
Scientific Reports 8, 11080 (2018).

Doping evolution of charge and spin excitations in two-leg Hubbard ladders: comparing DMRG and RPA+FLEX results.

A. Nocera, Y. Wang, N. D. Patel, G. Alvarez, T. A. Maier, E. Dagotto, and S. Johnston.
Physical Review B 97, 195156 (2018).

Multi-spinon and holon excitations probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering on doped one-dimensional antiferromagnets.

U. Kumar, A. Nocera, E. Dagotto, and S. Johnston.
New Journal of Physics 20, 073019 (2018).

Zero-bias anomaly in nanoscale hole-doped Mott insulators on a triangular silicon surface

F. Ming, T. S. Smith, S. Johnston, P. C. Snijders, and H. Weitering.
Physical Review B 97, 075403 (2018).

Strong polaronic behavior in a weak coupling superconductor.

A. G. Swartz, H. Inoue, T. A. Merz, Y. Hikita, S. Raghu, T. P. Devereaux, S. Johnston, and H. Y. Hwang.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences115, 1475 (2018).

Lattice Dynamics of Ultrathin FeSe Films on SrTiO3.

S. Zhang, J. Guan, Y. Wang, T. Berlijn, S. Johnston, X. Jia, B. Liu, Q. Zhu, Q. An, S. Xue, Yanwei Cao, F. Yang, W. Wang, J. Zhang, E. W. Plummer, X. Zhu, and J. Guo.
Physical Review B 97, 035408 (2018).

Mass Enhancements and Band Shifts in Strongly Hole-Overdoped Fe-Based Pnictide Superconductors: KFe2As2 and CsFe2As2

S.-L. Drechsler, H. Rosner, V. Grinenko, S. Aswartham, I. Morozov, M. Liu, A. Boltalin, K. Kihou, C. H. Lee, T. Kim, D. Evtushinsky, J. M. Tomczak, S. Johnston, S. Borisenko
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 31 777 (2018).

Experimental evidence for bipolaron condensation as a mechanism for the metal-insulator transition in rare-earth nickelates.

J. Shamblin, M. Heres, H. Zhou, J. Sangoro, M. Lang, J. Neuefeind, A. J. Alonso, and S. Johnston.
Nature Communications 9, 86 (2018).


Realization of a Hole-Doped Mott Insulator on a Triangular Silicon Lattice

Fangfei Ming, Steve Johnston, Daniel Mulugeta, Tyler S. Smith, Paolo Vilmercati, Geunseop Lee, Thomas A. Maier, Paul C. Snijders, and Hanno H. Weitering.
Physical Review Letters 119, 266802 (2017).

Numerical evidence of fluctuating stripes in the normal state of high-Tc cuprate superconductors.

E. W. Huang, C. B. Mendl, S. Liu, S. Johnston, H.-C. Jiang, B. Moritz, T. P. Devereaux.
Science 358, 1161 (2017).

Doping dependence of ordered phases and emergent quasiparticles in the doped Hubbard-Holstein model

C. B. Mendl, E. A. Nowadnick, E. W. Huang, S. Johnston, B. Moritz, and T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review B 96, 205141 (2017).

Numerically exploring the 1D-2D dimensional crossover on spin dynamics in the doped Hubbard Model.

Y. F. Kung, C. Bazin, K. Wohlfeld, K. Wang, C.-C. Chen, C. J. Jia, S. Johnston, B. Moritz, F. Mila, and T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review B 96, 195106. (2017).

Structural and magnetic short-range order in fluorite Yb2TiO5.

J. Shamblin, Z. Dun, M. Lee, S. Johnston, E. S. Choi, K. Page, Y. Qiu, and H. Zhou.
Physical Review B 96, 174418 (2017).

Switching Magnetism and Superconductivity with Spin-Polarized Current in Iron- Based Superconductor.

S. Choi, J. M. Ok, H. J. Choi, W.-J. Jang, A. T. Lee, Y. Kuk, S. Lee, A. J. Heinrich, S.-W. Cheong, Y. Bang, S. Johnston, J. S. Kim, and J. Lee.
Physical Review Letters 119, 227001 (2017).

Enhancement of superconductivity by interfacial phonons in perovskite-clad FeAs monolayers.

S. Choi, S. Johnston, W. J. Jang, K. Koepernik, K. Nakatsukasa, J. M. Ok, H. Y. Lee, H. W. Choi, A. T. Lee, A. Akbari, Y. K. Semertzidis, Y. Bang, J. S. Kim, and J. Lee.
Physical Review Letters 119, 107003 (2017).

Phonon linewidth due to electron-phonon interactions with strong forward scattering in FeSe thin films on oxide substrates.

Y. Wang, L. Rademaker, E. Dagotto, and S. Johnston.
Physical Review B 96, 054515 (2017).

Constraints on the total coupling strength to bosons in the iron based superconductors.

S.-L. Drechsler, S. Johnston, V. Grinenko, J. M. Tomczak, and H. Rosner.
Physica Status Solidi b 1700006 (2017).

Competing phases and orbital-selective behaviors in the two-orbital Hubbard-Holstein model.

S. Li, E. Khatami, and S. Johnston.
Physical Review B 95, 121112(R) (2017).


From bad metal to Kondo insulator: temperature evolution of the optical properties of SmB6.

A. Tytarenko, K. Nakatsukasa, Y.K. Huang, S. Johnston, E. van Heumen.
New Journal of Physics18, 123003 (2016).

Nonlocal correlations in the orbital selective Mott phase of a one dimensional multi-orbital Hubbard model.

S. Li, N. Kaushal, Y. Wang, Y. Tang, G. Alvarez, A. Nocera, T. A. Maier, E. Dagotto, and S. Johnston.
Physical Review B 94, 245126 (2016).

Non-rigid band shift and non-monotonic electronic structure changes upon doping in the normal state of the pnictide high temperature superconductor Ba2(Fe1-xCox)2As2.

P. Vilmercati, S.-K. Mo, A. Fedorov, M. McGuire, A. Sefat, B. Sales, D. Mandrus, D. J. Singh, W. Ku, S. Johnston, and N. Mannella.
Physical Review B 94, 195147 (2016).

Probing inter- and intrachain Zhang-Rice excitons in Li2CuO2 and determining their binding energy.

C. Monney, V. Bisogni, K.-J. Zhou, R. Kraus, V. Strocov, G. Behr, S.-L. Drechsler, H. Rosner, S. Johnston, J. Geck, T. Schmitt.
Physical Review B 94, 165118 (2016).

Dispersing artifacts in FT-STS: a comparison of set point effects across acquisition modes.

A. J. Macdonald, Y.-S. Tremblay-Johnston, S. Grothe, S. Chi, P. Dosanjh, S. Johnston, S. A. Burke, .
Nanotechnology 27, 414004 (2016).

High Tc via spin fluctuations from incipient bands: application to monolayers and intercalates of FeSe.

A. Linscheid, S. Maiti, Y. Wang, S. Johnston, and P. J. Hirschfeld.
Physical Review Letters 117, 077003 (2016).

Momentum-resolved electronic structure of the high-Tc superconductor parent compound BaBiO3

N. C. Plumb, D. J. Gawryluk, Y. Wang, Z. Ristić, J. Park, B. Q. Lv, Z. Wang, C. E. Matt, N. Xu, T. Shang, K. Conder, J. Mesot, S. Johnston, M. Shi, and M. Radović.
Physical Review Letters 117, 037002 (2016).

Study of the Orbital-Selective Mott Phases of a One-Dimensional Three-Orbital Hubbard Model Using Computational Techniques.

G. Liu, N. Kaushal, S. Li, C. B. Bishop, Y. Wang, S. Johnston, G. Alvarez, A. Moreo, and E. Dagotto.
Physical Review E 93, 063313 (2016).

ab initio Study of Electron-Phonon Couplings of the Interfacial Oxygen Mode in FeSe Thin Films on on SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 substrates.

Y. Wang, A. Linscheid, T. Berlijn, and S. Johnston.
Physical Review B 93, 134513 (2016).

Aspects of electron-phonon interactions with strong forward scattering in FeSe Thin Films on SrTiO3 substrates.

Y. Wang, K. Nakatsukasa, L. Rademaker, T. Berlijn, and S. Johnston.
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29, 054009 (2016).

Characterizing the three-orbital Hubbard model with determinant quantum Monte Carlo.

Y. F. Kung, C.-C. Chen, Yao Wang, E. W. Huang, E. A. Nowadnick, B. Moritz, R. T. Scalettar, S. Johnston, T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review B 93, 155166 (2016).

Electron-lattice interactions strongly renormalize the charge transfer energy in the spin-chain copper oxide Li2CuO2.

S. Johnston, C. Monney, V. Bisogni, K.-J. Zhou, R. Kraus, G. Behr, V. N. Strocov, J. Málek, S.-L. Drechsler, J. Geck, T. Schmitt, and J. van den Brink.
Nature Communications 7, 10563 (2016).

Enhanced superconductivity due to forward scattering in FeSe thin films on SrTiO3 substrates.

Louk Rademaker, Yan Wang, Tom Berlijn, and Steve Johnston.
New Journal of Physics 18, 022001 (2016).


Doping evolution of spin and charge excitations in the Hubbard Model.

Y. F. Kung, E. A. Nowadnick, C. J. Jia, S. Johnston, B. Moritz, R. T. Scalettar, and T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review B 92, 195108 (2015).

Direct observation of a Fermi liquid-like normal state in an iron-pnictide superconductor.

Alona Tytarenko, Yingkai Huang, Anne de Visser, Steve Johnston, and Erik van Heumen.
Scientific Reports 5, 12421 (2015).

Quasiparticle properties of the non-linear Holstein model at finite doping and termperature.

S. Li, E. A. Nowadnick, and S. Johnston.
Physical Review B 92, 064301 (2015).

Competition between the inter- and intra-sublattice interactions in Yb2V2O7.

Z. L. Dun, H. B. Cao, Y. Qiu, J. R. D. Copley, T. Hong, M. Matsuda, J. G. Cheng, M. Lee, E. S. Choi, S. Johnston, and H. D. Zhou.
Physical Review B 91, 64425 (2015).

Renormalization of spectra by phase competition in the half-filled Hubbard-Holstein model.

E. A. Nowadnick, S. Johnston B. Moritz, and T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review B 91, 165127 (2015).

The effects of non-linear electron-phonon interactions on superconductivity and charge-density-wave correlations.

Shaozhi Li and S. Johnston.
Europhysics Letters 109, 27007 (2015).


Numerical exploration of spontaneous broken symmetries in multi-orbital Hubbard models.

Y. F. Kung, C.-C. Chen, B. Moritz, S. Johnston, R. Thomale, T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review B 90 224507 (2014).

Testing the Monte Carlo - Mean Field approximation in the one-band Hubbard model.

A. Mukherjee, N. D. Patel, S. Dong, S. Johnston, A. Moreo, E. Dagotto.
Physical Review B 90, 205113 (2014).

Interfacial mode coupling as the origin of the enhancement of Tc in FeSe films on SrTiO3

J. J. Lee, F. T. Schmitt, R. G. Moore, S. Johnston, Y. T. Cui, W. Li, M. Yi, Z. K. Liu, M. Hashimoto, Y. Zhang, D. H. Lu, T. P. Devereaux, D. H. Lee, and Z. X. Shen.
Nature 515 245 (2014).

Sign inversion in the superconducting order parameter of LiFeAs inferred from Bogoliubov quasiparticle interference.

S. Chi, S. Johnston, G. Levy, S. Grothe, R. Szedlak, B. Ludbrook, Ruixing Liang, P. Dosanjh, S. A. Burke, A. Damascelli, D. A. Bonn, W. N. Hardy, and Y. Pennec.
Physical Review B 89, 104522 (2014). Editors’ choice, Science magazine.

Specific heat of Ca0.32Na0.68Fe2As2 single crystals: Unconventional s± multiband superconductivity with intermediate repulsive interband coupling and sizable attractive intraband couplings.

S. Johnston, M. Abdel-Hafiez, L. Harnagea, V. B. Zabolotnyy, D. Bombor, Y. Krupskaya, C. Hess, S. Wurmehl, A. U. B. Wolter, B. Büchner, S.-L. Drechsler, and H. Rosner.
Physical Review B 89, 134507 (2014).

Charge disproportionation without charge transfer in the rare-earth nickelates as a possible mechanism for the metal-insulator transition.

S. Johnston, A. Mukherjee, I. Elfimov, M. Berciu, and G. A. Sawatzky.
Physical Review Letters 112, 106404 (2014).

Persistent spin excitations in doped antiferromagnets revealed by resonant inelastic light scattering.

C. J. Jia, E. A. Nowadnick, K. Wohlfeld, C.-C. Chen, S. Johnston, T. Tohyama, B. Moritz, and T. P. Devereaux.
Nature Communications 5, 3314 (2014).

2013 and earlier

Quantifying many-body effects by high-resolution Fourier transform scanning tunneling spectroscopy.

S. Grothe, S. Johnston, Shun Chi, P. Dosanjh, S. A. Burke, and Y. Pennec.
Physical Review Letters 111, 246804 (2013).

Determinant quantum Monte Carlo study of exciton condensation in the bilayer Hubbard model.

L. Rademaker, S. Johnston, J. Zaanen, and J. van den Brink.
Physical Review B 88, 235115 (2013).

Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional singleband Hubbard-Holstein model.

S. Johnston, E. A. Nowadnick, Y. Kung, B. Moritz, R. T. Scalettar, and T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review B 87, 235133 (2013).

The role of lattice coupling in establishing the electronic and magnetic properties of quasi-one-dimensional cuprates.

W. S. Lee, S. Johnston, B. Moritz, J. Lee, M. Yi, K. J. Zhou, T. Schmitt, L. Patthey, V. Strocov, K. Kudo, Y. Koike, J. van den Brink, T. P. Devereaux, and Z. X. Shen.
Physical Review Letters 110, 265502 (2013).

Evidence of d-wave superconductivity in K1-xNaxFe2As2 (x = 0,0.1) single crystals from low-temperature specific-heat measurements.

M. Abdel-Hafiez, V. Grinenko, S. Aswartham, I. Morozov, M. Roslova, O. Vakaliuk, S. Johnston, D. V. Efremov, J. van den Brink, H. Rosner, M. Kumar, C. Hess, S. Wurmehl, A. U. B. Wolter, B. Büchner, E. L. Green, J. Wosnitza, P. Vogt, A. Reifenberger, C. Enss, M. Hempel, R. Klingeler, and S.-L. Drechsler.
Physical Review B 87, 180507(R) (2013).

Using Zhang-Rice Singlet excitons as a probe for local spin correlations in cuprate chains.

C. Monney, V. Bisogni, K. J. Zhou, R. Kraus, V. N. Strocov, G. Behr, J. Málek, R. Kuzian, S.-L. Drechsler, S. Johnston, A. Revcolevschi, B. Büchner, H. Rønnow, J. van den Brink. J. Geck, and T. Schmitt,
Physical Review Letters 110, 087403 (2013).

Competition between antiferromagnetic and charge density wave order in the half filled Hubbard-Holstein model.

E. A. Nowadnick , S. Johnston, B. Moritz, R. T. Scalettar, and T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review Letters 109, 246404 (2012).

Surface adatom conductance filtering in scanning tunneling spectroscopy of Co-doped BaFe2As2 iron pnictide superconductors.

K. Koepernik, S. Johnston, E. van Heumen, Y. Huang, J. Kaas, J. B. Goedkoop, M. S. Golden, and J. van den Brink.
Physical Review Letters 109, 127001 (2012).

Ca2Y2Cu5O10: the first frustrated quasi-1D ferromagnet close to criticality.

R.O. Kuzian, S. Nishimoto, S.-L. Drechsler, J. Málek, S. Johnston, J. van den Brink, M. Schmitt, H. Rosner, M. Matsuda, K. Oka, H. Yamaguchi, and T. Ito.
Physical Review Letters 109, 117207 (2012).

Evidence for the Importance of Extended Coulomb Interactions and Forward Scattering in Cuprate Superconductors.

S. Johnston, I. M. Vishik, W. S. Lee, F. Schmitt, S. Uchida, K. Fujita, S. Ishida, N. Nagaosa, Z.-X. Shen and T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review Letters 108, 166404 (2012).

Specific heat and upper critical fields in KFe2As2 single crystals.

M. Abdel-Hafiez, S. Aswartham, S. Wurmehl, V. Grinenko, S.-L. Drechsler, S. Johnston, A.U.B. Wolter-Giraud, B. Büchner and H. Rosner.
Physical Review B 85, 134533 (2012).

Local spectral inversion and bosonic extraction of the archetypal elemental superconductor with S-Vacuum-S tunneling spectroscopy.

F. C. Niestemski, S. Johnston, A. W. Contryman, C. D. Camp, T. P. Devereaux, and H. C. Manoharan.
arXiv:1211.2244 (2012).

Coincidence between energy gaps and Kohn anomalies in conventional superconductors.

S. Johnston, A. P. Sorini, B. Moritz, T. P. Devereaux, and D. J. Scalapino.
Physical Review B 84, 174523 (2011).

An investigation of particle-hole asymmetry in the cuprates via electronic raman scattering.

B. Moritz, S. Johnston, T. P. Devereaux, B. Muschler, W. Prestel, R. Hackl, M. Lambacher, A. Erb, S. Komiya and Y. Ando.
Physical Review B 84, 235114 (2011).

High-energy anomaly in Nd2−xCexCuO4 investigated by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and quantum Monte Carlo simulations.

F. Schmitt, B. Moritz, S. Johnston, S.-K. Mo, M. Hashimoto, R. G. Moore, D.-H. Lu, E. Motoyama, M. Greven, T. P. Devereaux, and Z.-X. Shen.
Physical Review B 83, 195123 (2011).

Multiband quasiparticle interference in the topological insulator CuxBi2Te3..

E. van Heumen, S. Johnston, J. Kaas, N. de Jong, F. Massee, J. Oen, E. Rienks, A. Varykhalov, J. B. Goedkoop, Y. Huang and M. S. Golden.

A systematic study of electron-phonon coupling to oxygen modes across the cuprates.

S. Johnston, F. Vernay, B. Moritz, T.P. Devereaux, Z.-X. Shen, N. Nagaosa, and J. Zaanen.
Physical Review B 82, 064513 (2010).

Insights on the cuprate high energy anomaly observed in ARPES.

B. Moritz, S. Johnston, and T. P. Devereaux.
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 181, 31 (2010).

Density of states modulations from oxygen phonons in d-wave superconductors: reconciling angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy.

S. Johnston and T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review B 81, 214512 (2010).

Numerical studies of photo-based spectroscopies on High-Tc superconductors.

C.-C. Chen, B. Moritz, C. J. Jia, S. Johnston, A. P. Sorini, L.-Q. Lee, K. Ko, and T. P. Devereaux.
Computer Physics Communications 182, 106 (2010).

The nature of momentum-resolved Cu K-edge charge excitations in La2CuO4.

C. C. Chen, B. Moritz, F. Vernay, J. N. Hancock, S. Johnston, G. Chabot-Couture, M. Greven, I. Elfimov, G. A. Sawatzky, and T. P. Devereaux.
Physical Review Letters 105, 177401 (2010).

Material and doping dependence of the nodal and antinodal dispersion renormalizations in single- and multilayer cuprates.

S. Johnston, W. S. Lee, Y. Chen, E. A. Nowadnick, B. Moritz, Z.-X. Shen, and T. P. Devereaux.
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2010, 968304 (2010).

Unusual layer-dependent charge distribution, collective mode coupling, and superconductivity in multilayer cuprate Ba2Ca3Cu4O8F2.

Y. Chen, A. Iyo, W. Yang, M. Arita, S. Johnston, H. Eisaki, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, T. P. Devereaux, Z. Hussain, and Z.-X. Shen.
Physical Review Letters 103, 036403 (2009).

High resolution angle resolved photoemission studies of quasi-particle dynamics in graphite.

S. Leem, C. Kim, S. R. Park, M.-K. Kim, H. J. Choi, C. Kim, B. J. Kim, S. Johnston, T. P. Devereaux, T. Ohta, A. Bostwick, and E. Rotenberg.
Physical Review B 79, 125438 (2009).

The impact of an oxygen dopant in a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 crystal.

S. Johnston, F. Vernay, and T.P. Devereaux,
Europhysics Letters 86, 37007 (2009).

High-energy anomaly dichotomy in electron- and hole-doped high temperature superconductors.

B. Moritz, F. S. Schmitt, W. Meevasana, S. Johnston, E. M. Motoyama, M. Greven, D. H. Lu, C. Kim, R. T. Scalettar, Z.-X. Shen, and T. P. Devereaux.
New Journal of Physics 11, 093020 (2009).

Superconductivity-induced self-energy evolution of the nodel electron of optimally doped Bi2212.

W.S. Lee, W. Meevasana, S. Johnston, D. H. Lu, I. M Vishik, H. Easiki, N. Kaneko, T. P. Devereaux, and Z.-X. Shen.
Physical Review B 77, 140504(R) (2008).

Aspects of electron-phonon self-energy revealed from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy.

W. S. Lee, S. Johnston, T. P. Devereaux, and Z.-X. Shen.
Physical Review B 75 195116 (2007).

Generalized oscillator strengths for C 1s excitations of acetylene and ethylene.

A. P. Hitchcock, S. Johnston, T. Tyliszczak, C.C. Turci, M. Barbatti, A. B. Rocha, and C.E. Bielschowsky.
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 123, 303 (2002).