Lois Presser, Professor
Department of Sociology
University of Tennessee

Phone: 865-974-7024

 Fax: 865-974-7013

 Email: lpresser@utk.edu

I was born and raised in New York City, first Brooklyn and then Queens. The desire to leave New York and the desire to return to New York are key themes in my life story. Other themes include driving, culture, community, and gender. I now mostly-joyfully reside in a colorful bungalow in Knoxville, TN, with my children Ansel and Halen.

After receiving my Bachelor’s degree from Cornell University in 1987, I worked for four years as an advocate for elderly crime victims in Manhattan. That experience nurtured an enduring interest in crime, justice, and talk about crime and justice. My studies at Yale in program planning and evaluation, alongside courses that posed critical questions about social institutions and power, led me to research positions at New York City’s Department of Correction and Department of Probation. While working at these agencies, I met academic researchers who introduced me to the world of theoretical criminology. I decided to pursue graduate work in Criminal Justice/Criminology at the University of Cincinnati, and after earning my Ph.D. in 2002, I joined the wonderful Department of Sociology at the University of Tennessee.

I study the role of language and discursive forms in social arrangements and action, including criminal action, and the promises and problems of restorative justice approaches to crime and other conflict. I approach my research from the perspectives of cultural sociology, critical criminology, and discourse analysis.

My second program of research is the framework known as narrative criminology, which I first elaborated in a 2009 article for Theoretical Criminology. The article has been cited numerous times and the framework has received international attention. It was the focal point of international symposia on narrative criminology and narrative impacts held in Oslo, Norway (May 2014, June 2017) and Copenhagen, Denmark (June 2018); it is central to the Nordic Research Network, and it is the topic of Narrative Criminology (2015, NYU Press), which I co-edited with Sveinung Sandberg as well as Inside Story: How Narrative Drive Mass Harm (2018, University of California Press).

My third program of research is the elaboration of a general theory of harmful action based on narratives, presented in my book Why We Harm (2013, Rutgers University Press). There, close-grained study of intimate partner violence, genocide, penal harm, and killing of nonhuman animals for meat allows me to demonstrate that claims of being both licensed to harm and powerless to avoid harming promotes victimization of discursively ‘reduced’ targets. The theory has implications for the foundations of criminology in its primary emphasis on language, its redefinition of crime as harmful action, its radical reflexivity, and its proposition that indifference is consequential to action. I have been drawn to using the theory specifically to understand mass harms, with their special problems of mobilization and organization, as in Inside Story (2018, University of California Press).

My fourth and oldest program of research concerns restorative justice practices, which seek to repair harm and transform relationships between victims, offenders, and communities. A recent article in this line of research, based on in-depth study of a victim-offender mediation program for juvenile offenders, responds to critics who charge restorative justice with reproducing structural inequalities (Presser & Hamilton 2006). In studying how restorative justice practices actually work ‘on the ground’, I follow a time-honored tradition in critical legal studies of assessing the gap between the law as written and the law in action. Given my view of talk and identities as collaboratively constructed, I see hope, as well as hazards, for social justice in restorative justice dialogue and other democratic processes. Emily Gaarder, Denise Hesselton and I critically evaluated the institutional relationship between restorative justice and correctional treatment in an article for the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation (Presser, Gaarder & Hesselton 2007). A current research project, with Kyle Letteney, on youth courts in Tennessee inquires into the fusion of restorative justice and procedural justice, and explores what ‘community’ means to young people. In addition to my own research, I help build the knowledge base on restorative justice as an Associate Editor of the journal Contemporary Justice Review.

Lois Presser
Lois Presser - Criminologist and Sociologist | Univ. of Tennessee - Knoxville
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