Lois Presser, Professor
Department of Sociology
University of Tennessee

Phone: 865-974-7024

 Fax: 865-974-7013

 Email: lpresser@utk.edu

2019 Presser, Lois. “A Cultural Theory of Harm.” Zemiology. In press.

Presser, Lois, and Sveinung Sandberg. “Narrative Criminology as Critical Criminology.” Critical Criminology. In press.

Presser, Lois. Inside Story: How Narrative Drive Mass Harm. U California Press.

Presser, Lois, Jennifer L. Schally and Christine Vossler. “Life as a Reflexive Project: The Logics of Ethical Veganism and Meat-Eating.” Society & Animals. In press.

Easterling, Beth, Ben H. Feldmeyer, and Lois Presser. “Narrating Mother Identities From Prison.” Feminist Criminology. Online first May 2018.

Presser, Lois. "Criminology and the Narrative Turn," Crime, Media, Culture, 12(2):137-151.
Presser, Lois and Sveinung Sandberg. “Research Strategies for Narrative Criminology,” in Advances in Criminological Theory: The Value of Qualitative Research for Advancing Criminological Theory, edited by Jody Miller and Wilson R. Palacios. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

Presser, Lois and Sveinung Sandberg (Eds.). Narrative Criminology: Understanding Stories of Crime. New York and London: New York University Press.
2014 Presser, Lois and Kyle W. Letteney. “Restorative Justice in Theory” in Critical Issues of Crime and Criminal Justice, 2nd edition, edited by M. Maguire and D. Okada. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
2014 Rahim Manji, Presser, Lois, and Leigh T. Dickey. “Passivity, Harm, and Injustice.” Contemporary Justice Review 17(1):47-62.
2013 Presser, Lois. "Narrative Criminology." In Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology, edited by Richard Wright. New York: Oxford University Press.
2013 Presser, Lois. Why We Harm. New Brunswick, NJ and London: Rutgers University Press.
2013 Presser, Lois, and Jennifer Schally. “Institutionalizing Harm in Tennessee: The Right of the People to Hunt and Fish.” Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare XL(4): 169-184.
2013 Presser, Lois. “Narrative Criminology.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology, edited by Richard Wright. New York: Oxford University Press.
2012 Presser, Lois. “Getting on Top Through Mass Murder: Narrative, Metaphor, and Violence.” Crime, Media, Culture 8(1): 3-21.
2011 Presser, Lois, and William V. Taylor. "An Auto-Ethnography of Hunting." Crime, Law and Social Change 55(5): 483-494.

Presser, Lois. "Restorative Justice in Theory." Chapter 22 in Critical Issues of Crime and Criminal Justice, edited by M. Maguire and D. Okada. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Presser, Lois, and Beth Easterling. "Commentary: Care for Convicts." Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology 2(3):83-92.

Presser, Lois. "Collecting and Analyzing the Stories of Offenders." Journal of Criminal Justice Education 21(4):431-446.

2009 Presser, Lois. “The Narratives of Offenders.” Theoretical Criminology 13(2):177-200.

2009 Presser, Lois, and Susanne Kurth. "'I Got a Quick Tongue': Negotiating Ex-Convict Identity in Mixed Company." Chapter 5 in How Offenders Transform Their Lives, edited by B. Veysey, J. Christian and D.J. Martinez. Devon, UK: Willan Press.

2009 Presser, Lois, "Power, Safety and Ethics in Cross-Gendered Research with Violent Men." In Women Fielding Danger: Negotiating Gender, Ethnicity, Class, Caste and Religion in Field Work, edited by M. K. Huggins and M. Glebbeek. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

2008 Presser, Lois. Been a Heavy Life: Stories of Violent Men. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.

2007 Presser, Lois, Emily Gaarder, and Denise Hesselton. “Imagining Restorative Justice Beyond Recidivism.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 46(1/2):163-176.

2006 Gaarder, Emily, and Lois Presser. "A Feminist Vision of Justice? The Problems and Possibilities of Restorative Justice for Girls and Women." Pp. 483-494 in Handbook of Restorative Justice, edited by D. Sullivan & L. Tifft. London: Routledge.

2006 Presser, Lois. “I’ll Come Back and Stalk You’: Contradictions of Advocacy and Research For Women Criminologists.” Women & Criminal Justice 17(4): 19-36.

2006 Presser, Lois, and Cynthia A. Hamilton. “The Micro-Politics of Victim Offender Mediation.” Sociological Inquiry 76(3): 316-342.

2005 Presser, Lois. “Negotiating Power and Narrative in Research: Implications for Feminist Methodology.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 30(4): 2067–2090.

2004 Presser, Lois. “Violent Offenders, Moral Selves: Constructing Identities and Accounts in the Research Interview.” Social Problems 51(1): 82-101.
Lois Presser
Lois Presser - Criminologist and Sociologist | Univ. of Tennessee - Knoxville
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