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·         Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, February 2003

M.A. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, January 2001

·         Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China

            B.S. in Engineering Mechanics, July 1999

            Dual B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, July 1999

Academic Experiences

8/1/2016~present, Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee

8/1/2011~7/31/2016, Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee

8/1/2005~7/31/2011, Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee

8/1/2005~7/31/2018, Joint Faculty, Materials Science and Technology Division (2011-2018) & Computer Science and Mathematics Division (2005-2011), Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

3/2003~7/2005, Research associate at Brown University (with Allan F. Bower and Kyung-Suk Kim)

9/1999~2/2003, Ph.D thesis: Nanoscale domain stabilities on solid surfaces and guided self-assembly, Princeton University (with Zhigang Suo now at Harvard University)

Administrative Experiences

2/2024~present, Associate Department Head, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee

2/2022~12/2023, Interim Director of Energy Science and Engineering Program, Bredesen Center, Univeristy of Tennessee - Oak Ridge Innovation Institute

8/2022~7/2023, Faculty Fellow in Associate Dean's Office of Faculty Affairs and Engagement, Tickle College of Engineering, University of Tennessee

7/2021~8/2022 & 8/2012~7/2016, 6/2024~present, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee

Editorial Roles

International Advisory Board member of Canadian Metallurgy Quarterly, 2024-2026.

Editorial board member of Materials Futures, 2023-presesnt.

Associate Editor, Mechanics of Materials, 2023-present.

Editorial Review Board member of Materials Research Letters, 2020-present.

2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award, Acta Materialia.

Editorial board member of Materials Today, 2016-present.

Awards and Honors

Invited talk at the Gordon Research Conference in Str uctural Nanomaterials, 7/23/2014.

Invited talk at the Gordon Research Conference in Thin Film and Small Scale Mechanical Behavior, 7/28/2008.

Graduate Director of the Year, Graduate Student Senate, University of Tennessee, April 2022.

Faculty Award for Excellence in Service, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, April 2021.

Professional Promise in Research Award, College of Engineering, April 2015.

Faculty Award for Excellence in Service, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, April 2015.

Research Fellow, College of Engineering, April 2013.

Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, April 2013.

R&D 100 Award in High-Performance, High-Tc Superconducting Wires Enabled via Self-assembly of Non-superconducting Columnar Defects (with A. Goyal et al.), July 2010.

Chancellor's Award for Professional Promise in Research and Creative Achievement, April 2010.

Research Fellow, College of Engineering, April 2010.

Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, April 2010.

Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences Fellowship, UT-ORNL, 2006-2012.

Co-winner (with A. Goyal et al.), top 25 MICRO/NANO technologies by R&D Magazine, 2007

Sir Gordon Wu Fellowship, Princeton University, 1999-2003.

Graduated with Honor (summa cum laude), Tsinghua University, 1999.

Gold Medal in Hammer Throw, the 1999 John Ma Campus Games, Tsinghua University, May 1999

Professional Societies

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Member since 2006

Materials Research Society (MRS), Member since 2003

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Member since 2001

Sigma Xi Society, Princeton Chapter, 2001-2002


Eleted representative of the Graduate Council (2006-2015, 2022-present), and Elected Faculty Senator (term 2019-2022, 2022-2025), the University of Tennessee.

Member on PhD committees (>60) at the University of Tennessee.

Frequent panel reviews for the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy.

Review papers for a number of journals in mechanics of materials and applied physics. Specifically serve as frequent reviewers for Acta Materialia, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, and Scripta Materialia.

ABET Program Evaluator, 2021-present, on behalf of TMS.


File last updated: September 1, 2024
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