Journal articles (including supplementary material): Vossler, Christian A., David A. Keiser, Catherine L. Kling, and Daniel J. Phaneuf. 2025. Information scripts and the incentive compatibility of discrete choice experiments. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 12(2): 459-492. [Article] [Manuscript] [Online Appendix] [Replication Package] Bateman, Ian J., et al. 2024. How to make land use policy decisions: Integrating science and economics to deliver connected climate, biodiversity, and food objectives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 121(49): e2407961121. [Article (open access)] Ferraro, Paul J., et al. 2023. Create a Culture of Experiments in Environmental Programs. Science 381(6659): 735-737. [Article] Vossler, Christian A., Christine L. Dolph, Jacques C. Finlay, David A. Keiser, Catherine L. Kling, and Daniel Phaneuf. 2023. Valuing Improvements in the Ecological Integrity of Local and Regional Waters using the biological condition gradient. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 120(18): e2120251119. [Article] [Manuscript] [Replication Package] Moore, Chris C., et al. 2023. Measuring the social benefits of water quality improvements to support regulatory objectives: Progress and future directions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 120(18): e2120247120. [Article] Vossler, Christian A., Stephane Bergeron, Maurice Doyon, and Daniel Rondeau. 2023. Revisiting the gap between the willingness to pay and willingness to accept for public goods. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 10(2): 413-435. [Article] [Manuscript] [Online Appendix] [Replication Data] Sudbury, Adrienne W. and Christian A. Vossler. 2022. Checking out checkout charity: A study of point-of-sale donation campaigns. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 204: 252-270. [Article] [Manuscript] [Replication Data] Vossler, Christian A., Michael McKee and David M. Bruner. 2021. Behavioral effects of tax withholding on tax compliance: Implications for information initiatives. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 183: 301-319. [Article] [Manuscript] [Online Appendix] [Replication Data] Vossler, Christian A. and Ewa Zawojska. 2020. Behavioral drivers or economic incentives? Toward a better understanding of elicitation effects in stated preference studies Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 7(2): 279-303. [Article] [Manuscript] [Online Appendix] [Replication Data] Palm-Forster, Leah H., Paul J. Ferraro, Nicholas Janusch, Christian A. Vossler, and Kent D. Messer. 2019. Behavioral and experimental agri-environmental research: Methodological challenges, literature gaps, and recommendations. Environmental and Resource Economics 73(3): 719-742. [Article (open access)] [Ag-E MINDSPACE Effect Size Table] Vossler, Christian A. and Scott M. Gilpatric. 2018. Endogenous audits, uncertainty, and taxpayer assistance services: Theory and experiments. Journal of Public Economics 165: 217-229. [Article] [Manuscript] [Appendix] Vossler, Christian A. and J. Scott Holladay. 2018. Alternative value elicitation formats in contingent valuation: Mechanism design and convergent validity. Journal of Public Economics 165: 133-145. [Article] [Manuscript] [Appendix] [Value elicitation questions][Replication Data] Butler, Julianna M. and Christian A. Vossler. 2018. What is an unregulated and potentially misleading label worth? The case of "natural"-labelled groceries. Environmental & Resource Economics 70(2): 545-564. [Article] [Appendix] McKee, Michael, Caleb A. Siladke and Christian A. Vossler. 2018. Behavioral dynamics of tax compliance when taxpayer assistance services are available. International Tax and Public Finance 25(3): 722-756. [Article] [Accepted Manuscript with Appendices] Czajkowski, Mikolaj, Christian A. Vossler, Wiktor Budzinski, Aleksandra Wisniewska and Ewa Zawojska. 2017. Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preference methods. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 142: 47-63. [Article] [Accepted Manuscript] [Supplementary files (download)] Johnston, Robert J., et al. 2017. Contemporary guidance for stated preference studies. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4(2): 319-405. [Article] Vossler, Christian A. and Michael McKee. 2017. Efficient tax reporting: The effects of tax liability information services. Economic Inquiry 55(2): 920-940. [Article] Vossler, Christian A. 2016. Chamberlin meets Ciriacy-Wantrup: Using Insights from Experimental Economics to Inform Stated Preference Research. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 64(1): 33-48. [Article] Gilpatric, Scott M., Christian A. Vossler and Lirong Liu. 2015. Using competition to stimulate regulatory compliance: a tournament-based dynamic targeting mechanism. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 19: 182-196. [Accepted Manuscript with Appendices] [Article] Khaw, Mel Win, Denise A. Grab. Michael A. Livermore, Christian A. Vossler and Paul W. Glimcher. 2015. The Measurement of Subjective Value and Its Relation to Contingent Valuation and Environmental Public Goods. PLOS ONE 10(7): e0132842 (19 pages). [Article] (open access) Jones, Luke and Christian A. Vossler. 2014. Experimental tests of water quality trading markets. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68(3): 449-462. [Article] [Manuscript and Appendix] Evans, Mary F., Matthew J. Kotchen and Christian A. Vossler. 2014. Identification of causal effects in environmental and energy economics. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 107: 173-175. [Article] Suter, Jordan and Christian A. Vossler. 2014. Towards an understanding of the performance of ambient tax mechanisms in the field: Evidence from Upstate New York dairy farmers. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96: 92-107. [Article] [Accepted Manuscript] [Experiment Instructions] Vossler, Christian A., Jordan F. Suter and Gregory L. Poe. 2013. Experimental evidence on dynamic pollution tax policies. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 93: 101-115. [Article] [Appendix] Vossler, Christian A. and Sharon B. Watson. 2013. Understanding the Consequences of Consequentiality: Testing the Validity of Stated Preferences in the Field. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 86: 137-147. [Article] [Manuscript] Vossler, Christian A., Maurice Doyon and Daniel Rondeau. 2012. Truth in Consequentiality: Theory and Field Evidence on Discrete Choice Experiments. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 4(4): 145-171. [Article] [Appendix] [Replication Data] Gilpatric, Scott M., Christian A. Vossler and Michael McKee. 2011. Regulatory Enforcement through Endogenous Competitive Audit Mechanisms. RAND Journal of Economics 42(2): 292-312. [Article] [Manuscript with Appendices] Messer, Kent D., Gregory L. Poe, Daniel Rondeau, William D. Schulze and Christian A. Vossler. 2010. Social Preferences and Voting: An Exploration Using a New Preference Revealing Mechanism. Journal of Public Economics 94(3-4): 308-317. [Article] [Appendix] Suter, Jordan F. Kathleen Segerson, Christian A. Vossler and Gregory L. Poe. 2010. Voluntary-Threat Approaches to Reduce Ambient Water Pollution. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 92(4): 1195-1213. [Article] [Manuscript] Ferraro, Paul J. and Christian A. Vossler. 2010. The Source and Significance of Confusion in Public Goods Experiments. BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 10(1), Article 53, 42 pages. [Article] [Appendix] Evans, Mary F., Christian A. Vossler and Nicholas E. Flores. 2009. Hybrid Allocation Mechanisms for Publicly Provided Goods. Journal of Public Economics 93: 311-325. [Article] [Appendix] Vossler, Christian A. and Mary F. Evans. 2009. Bridging the Gap between the Field and the Lab: Environmental Goods, Policy Maker Input, and Consequentiality. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58(3): 338-345. [Article] [Appendix] Collins, Jill P. and Christian A. Vossler. 2009. Incentive Compatibility Tests of Choice Experiment Value Elicitation Questions. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58(2): 226-235. [Article] [Experiment Instructions] Vossler, Christian A., Timothy D. Mount, Robert Thomas and Ray Zimmerman. 2009. An Experimental Investigation of Soft Price Caps in Uniform Price Auction Markets for Wholesale Electricity. Journal of Regulatory Economics 36(1): 44-59. [Article] Suter, Jordan F., Christian A. Vossler and Gregory L. Poe. 2009. Ambient-Based Pollution Mechanisms: A Comparison of Homogenous and Heterogeneous Groups of Emitters. Ecological Economics 68(6): 1883-1892. [Article] [Manuscript with Experiment Instructions] Suter, Jordan F., Christian A. Vossler and Gregory L. Poe. 2008. Experiments on Damage-Based Ambient Taxes for Nonpoint Source Polluters. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90: 86-102. [Article] [Appendix] Vossler, Christian A., Gregory L. Poe, William D. Schulze, and Kathleen Segerson. 2006. Communication and Incentive Mechanisms Based on Group Performance: An Experimental Study of Nonpoint Pollution Control. Economic Inquiry 44: 599-613. [Article] [Experiment Instructions] Vossler, Christian A. and Michael McKee. 2006. Induced-Value Tests of Contingent Valuation Elicitation Mechanisms. Environmental & Resource Economics 35: 137-168. [Article] Vossler, Christian A. and Gregory L. Poe. 2005. Analysis of Contingent Valuation Data with Multiple Bids and Response Options Allowing Respondents to Express Uncertainty: A Comment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 49(1): 197-200. [Article] [Supplementary Material] Bateman, Ian J., et al. 2005. Economic Valuation of Policies for Reducing Acidity in Remote Mountain Lakes. Aquatic Sciences 67(3): 274-291. [Article] Poe, Gregory L., William D. Schulze, Kathleen Segerson, Jordan F. Suter and Christian A. Vossler. 2004. Exploring the Performance of Ambient-Based Policy Instruments when Nonpoint Source Polluters can Cooperate. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86: 1203-1210. [Article] Chapman, Duane, Christian A. Vossler, Timothy D. Mount, Vanessa Barboni, Robert J. Thomas, and Ray D. Zimmerman. 2004. Market Efficiency, Competition, and Communication in Electric Power Markets: Experimental Results. Ecological Economics 48(3): 317-327. [Article] Vossler, Christian A., Gregory L. Poe, Michael Welsh, and Robert Ethier. 2004. Bid Design Effects in Multiple Bounded Discrete Choice Valuation. Environmental & Resource Economics 29(4): 401-418. [Article] Vossler, Christian A. and Joe Kerkvliet. 2003. A Criterion Validity Test of the Contingent Valuation Method: Comparing Hypothetical and Actual Voting Behavior for a Public Referendum. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 45: 261-277. [Article] Vossler, Christian A., Joe Kerkvliet, Stephen Polasky, and Olesya Gainutdinova. 2003. Externally Validating Contingent Valuation: An Open-Space Survey and Referendum in Corvallis, Oregon. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 51(2): 261-277. [Article] Vossler, Christian A., Robert G. Ethier, Gregory L. Poe, and Michael P. Welsh. 2003. Payment Certainty in Discrete Choice Contingent Valuation Responses: Results from a Field Validity Test. Southern Economic Journal 69: 886-902. [Article] [Manuscript] Poe, Gregory L. and Christian A. Vossler. 2002. Monte Carlo Benchmarks for Discrete Response Valuation Methods: Comment. Land Economics 78(4): 605-616. [Article] Polasky, Stephen, Blair Csuti, Christian A. Vossler, and S. Mark Meyers. 2001. A Comparison of Taxonomic Distinctness Versus Richness as Criteria for Setting Conservation Priorities for North American Birds. Biological Conservation 97(1): 99-105. [Article] Contributions to edited volumes and other publications: Fisar, Milos, Ben Greiner, Christoph Huber, Elena Katok, Ali I. Ozkes, and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration. 2024. Reproducibility in Management Science. Management Science 70(3): 1343-1356. Note: Member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration. [Article (open access)] Lee, David R., Shanjun Li, Kathleen Segerson, and Christian A. Vossler. 2021. Introduction to valuing and managing the environment: A special issue in honor of Gregory L. Poe. Resource and Energy Economics 63: Article 101190. [Article] Doyon, Maurice, Daniel Rondeau, et Christian A. Vossler. 2015. Biais hypothétiques et conséquences: mesure de biens et services écologiques en agroforesterie au Québec. In L'économie des services produits par les écosystèmes, Jean-Pierre Revéret et Jérôme Dupras (Eds.). Presses de l'Université du Québec. Jones, Luke R. and Christian A. Vossler. 2015. Water quality trading: A risky proposition. Global Water Forum, April 2015. [Article] Vossler, Christian A. 2014. Experimental economics and valuation. In Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: an Encyclopedia, John C. Whitehead and Timothy C. Haab (Eds.). Greenwood Publishing Group. Vossler, Christian A. 2013. Analyzing Repeated-Game Economics Experiments: Robust Standard Errors for Panel Data with Serial Correlation. In Handbook on Experimental Economics and the Environoment, John List and Michael Price (Eds.). [Working Paper] Poe, G.L. and C.A. Vossler. 2011. Consequentiality and Contingent Values: An Emerging Paradigm. In International Handbook on Non-Market Valuation, edited by J. Bennett. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers. [Manuscript] Cotten, Stephen J., Paul J. Ferraro and Christian A. Vossler. 2007. Can Public Goods Experiments Inform Policy? Reducing Confusion among Experiment Participants. In Environmental Economics, Experimental Methods, edited by Todd L. Cherry, Jason F. Shogren and Stephan Kroll. UK: Routledge. [Manuscript] Evans, Mary F., Scott Gilpatric, Michael McKee and Christian A. Vossler. 2007. Managerial Incentives for Compliance with Environmental Information Disclosure Programs. In Environmental Economics, Experimental Methods, edited by Todd L. Cherry, Jason F. Shogren and Stephan Kroll. UK: Routledge. [Manuscript] Polasky, Stephen and Christian A. Vossler. 2005. Conserving Biodiversity by Conserving Land. In The Economics of Rural Land-Use Change, Kathleen P. Bell, Kevin J. Boyle and Jonathan R. Rubin (eds.). UK: Ashgate Publishers. [Draft] Vossler, Christian A. 2003. Essays on the analysis of economics experiments with environmental applications. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University. Vossler, Christian A. 1999. A test of the contingent valuation method: comparing hypothetical and actual voting behavior. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University. Selected working papers Chopra, Vasudha, and Christian A. Vossler. Are we doing more harm than good? Hypothetical bias reduction techniques in potentially consequential survey settings. Available at RePEc. [Working Paper] Vossler, Christian A. Timothy N. Cason, James J. Murphy, Paul J. Ferraro, Todd L. Cherry, et al. The impact of experiments on environmental policy and natural resource management. Available at RePEc. [Working Paper] Rondeau, Daniel, and Christian A. Vossler. Incentive compatibility and respondent beliefs: Consequentiality and game form. Available at RePEc. [Working Paper] Chopra, Vasudha, Hieu M. Nguyen, and Christian A. Vossler. Heterogeneous group contests with incomplete information. Available at SSRN. [Working Paper] Yan, Dong, Christian A. Vossler and Scott M. Gilpatric. Product quality and third-party certification in potential lemons markets. Available at SSRN. [Working Paper] Yan, Dong and Christian A. Vossler. An experimental investigation of updating under ambiguity. Available at RePEc. [Working Paper] Butler, Julianna M., Scott M. Gilpatric and Christian A. Vossler. Motivating Workers through Task Assignment: A Dynamic Model of Up-and-Down Competition for Status. Available at RePEc. [Working Paper] You can find and download many more working papers through RePEc.