Meet the 2020-2021 Officers

President: Mairead Montague

Mairead is a first year graduate student in the NE department. She earned her undergraduate degree in nuclear engineering from UC Berkeley where she worked on neutron spectra characterization at LBNL. Mairead has interned with Frammatome in their Codes and Analysis group, ORAU with their health physics group, and presently, her research is in photonuclear cross section measurements for commercial code development. She spends her free time listening to podcasts and feeding her coffee addiction. You can contact her at

Vice President: Sean Alcorn

Sean is a first year nuclear engineering Ph.D student from Nashville, TN. His research passions involve anything that includes nuclear detectors or security, and his current research revolves around developing a new type of nuclear detector system. As the Vice-President, his ambition is to revitalize UT’s Student Chapter and connect as many students to professionals in the field of nuclear materials, safeguards, and security as he can! Make sure to email him if you have any questions or cool ideas! You can contact him at

  • Secretary: Nate Howard
  • Treasurer: Alex Kincaid
  • Social Media Coordinator: Landry Wells
  • Webmaster: Dean Forrest