Sigma Nu
Epsilon Eta Chapter
The University of Tennessee

Welcome to Sigma Nu
Epsilon Eta Chapter
Sigma Nu Fraternity has been a tradition at the University of Tennessee since 1921 and thrives upon its ideals of Love, Truth, and Honor. At UT, Sigma Nu is active on campus and participates in intramurals, university events, and engages in services with in the Knoxville Community. Over 1,800 young men have been initiated into the Epsilon Eta chapter of Sigma Nu at the University of Tennessee. Sigma Nu Fraternity officially began on January 1, 1869 when three honorable cadets at Virginia Military Institute joined together in the spirit of brotherhood to oppose the hazing they witnessed at VMI. With some 180+ active chapters between the United States and Canada, men of honor today are continuously being shaped into the leaders of tomorrow. 
A Message From The Commander,
Stone Smith
"This website has been developed as a common ground for different audiences to stay in touch with the many events, activities, and accomplishments of the Epsilon Eta chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity. Epsilon Eta is entering our twelfth year of living in the only new fraternity house on fraternity row and approaching the 100th year anniversary of our founding at the University of Tennessee. However, the physical attributes of our chapter do not define our true spirit. Sigma Nu was founded as a fraternity that believes in a strong brotherhood with unity around the principles of Love, Honor, and Truth and against hazing. The brothers of the Epsilon Eta chapter at the University of Tennessee believe strongly in these founding principles and strive to live lives that exemplify these values. " ...Read More

Sigma Nu's Flash
For more of Sigma Nu's events, awards, and alumni news read our Nu's Flash articles.