ME 231 - Dynamics (Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024)

AE 424 - Astronautics (Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023)

AE 494 - Independent Study Course (Spring 2019, Fall 2022)

AE/BME/ME 549 - Optimal Control and Optimization with Engineering Applications (Spring 2024)

AE/BME/ME 595 - Graduate Seminar Series (Fall 2019, Fall 2020)

ME 599 - Optimal Control for Engineering Applications (Spring 2020)

ME 599 - Real-Time Optimization and Control (Spring 2021)

ME 610 - Computational Optimal Control (Spring 2022)

ME 610 - Engineering Design Optimization (Spring 2023)